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49 replies
  1. ALAN DORMAN says:

    Communist China has the power to shut down Walmart, Target & Disney Souvenir operations. Therefore you will never see the Fake News media cover the Hong Kong protest; Walmart & Target are major advertisers. Disney owns ABC News and the PRC most likely has complete editorial control of Disney Studio operations..

  2. Maquia Nycure says:

    We get your point lady! You love Trump and hate the news media. Which is quite bizarre that you then decided to become one. Yes, the general news usually attacks the sitting president. Some more than others. There is a lot the news media doesn’t say that’s true, regardless of the political party. The media doesn’t tell you Trump deports legally adopted children by American parents, either. Over 120 to be exact. Or that he deports people who have served ( veterans)or are actively serving in our armed forces. Over 60 to date. Did the media tell you that? Or even that in 98, Trump said if he were to become president, he would quote, “run as a Republican, because they are literally the dumbest group of voters”! Facts folks. Look it up! Both sides withholds info! Imagine if Obama said he’d sleep with his daughter or grab women by their pussy, because he could get away with it! Fox would have been all over him! Now, I am no Democrat myself. I think they are the worst party by far. I’m a libertarian. But you have to understand that no political party is more just or moral than the other! It’s Washington we are talking about here. Of course liberals don’t like Trump. This is news? Republican don’t like democrats! CNN or FOX doesn’t share everything because it’s politically run and motivated by it’s constituents. The truth is the truth no matter what political party you adhere to. Telling people the liberal media didn’t tell you everything that makes their side look bad, isn’t news either, lady! It’s called having a two party system that will do and say anything to make the other side look stupid or wrong for America. 💯

  3. Daryl Younger says:

    Don’t worry Liz….while there are plenty of good people left in America they will not only disregard MSM reports but listen to you and other alternative news sources. People are not stupid.

  4. Ron We says:

    I don’t watch the fake news anymore….don’t listen to the fake news reporters anymore….love OAN…if there kids was raped they would be talking different….

  5. VoidtexxMom says:

    CFA’s contract was up at the end of this year for some of their donor. They decided to make a more local community impact by donating to:

    Today we are excited to announce the Foundation has committed $9 million to the following initiatives for 2020:

    Education: To support education, we are expanding our partnership with Junior Achievement USA (JA). JA offers kindergarten to 12th grade programs that foster work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, and use experiential learning to inspire students to dream big and reach their potential. The organization reaches nearly 5 million students annually.
    Homelessness: To address youth homelessness, we are expanding our partnership with Covenant House International. For more than four decades, Covenant House has helped transform and save the lives of more than a million homeless, runaway and trafficked young people – reaching 70,000 youth each year.
    Hunger: To fight hunger, we will support more than 120 communities by dedicating $25,000 to a local food bank at each new Chick-fil-A opening.

  6. Happy Face says:

    communist and socialist social Democrats they are all the best liars in the world they will say anything to get voted in. You think that will really happen know it won't. Are prisons are going to stay the same. Pedophiles walking on the streets light sentencing no I don't think so.

  7. Chris W says:

    I just stumbled across this OAN report I've been busy but I have not seen anything from you guys in a while and I just figured out why, i I was subscribed to you for over a year and my subscription has been canceledby You Tube, i I just resubscribed so now I can get your news again, I would make it known to your viewers that this is happening and to double-check to make sure they are still subscribed continue the great work thanks.

  8. Gary White says:

    MSM also doesn’t actively report that the main players of the Impeachment ‘squad’ are from the state of California. A state that is mostly liberal and spending a ton of taxpayer money with lawsuits against the current President, all the while, their own state is in ever deepening financial and physical problems. How can they keep electing Democrats that are purely self-serving?

  9. Garrett Glass says:

    Well I am against life sentences. There may be exceptions but the way I currently see it is If the actions of a person warrant a life sentence then execution would be the better sentence. Tax payers don’t need to babysit Mr. Rapist for 50+ years. Mr. Mass Shooter needs execution today. Thieves don’t need long term sentences either. Thieves need to be made to work off what they stole. If someone steals a Stop Sign the tax payers don’t need that person to spend 5 years in jail. Stop Signs don’t cost the equivalent of tending to a prisoner for 5 years. The thief should be required to do the labor of reinstalling the sign or be required to work off the value of reinstallation. Disciplinary action needs to not be more expensive than the crime committed (except for court costs so that people can still be charged with misdemeanors). I will add that in my opinion thieves who take the life savings from their victims and have no way to restore their victims from destitution, those thieves should be executed. Whatever crimes ruin the victims life (and not in the snowflake “oh you ‘RUINED’ my life because you called me a snowflake” sense) should be considered equal to having taken the victims life. Rape takes the victims life, theft resulting in destitution takes the victims life, and obviously murder takes the victims life. These crimes should be met with the sentence of execution which should be carried out the following day after sentencing. If any criminal is posthumously found to have been framed, the framer should also be swiftly executed. As it stands prison life is attractive to some people. “3 hots and a cot” is a goal for some people. We have high crime in part because we don’t deal accordingly with criminals. Jails shouldn’t be so full. They also should not be a place where prisoners can assault each other. Prison should be an unhappy place to be. Not because of poor prison culture. But prison should be very structured and prisoners kept safe from each other. No friendship amongst prisoners. No hierarchy. No gang culture. No chance for abuses. No cliques. Certainly no crimes like rape. No sex. Prison should be a place tailored to the human desire to not being kept there. It should never get unruly. It should be prisoners living in confinement, bored and quiet, until released.

  10. PeekaPeep says:

    Google fudging the subscriber numbers again, lol! Should be close to A MILLION by now, to be honest. And I noticed how they've been acting like folks haven't subscribed to their channel by low-key punting them right off without them knowing about it. Beware of their usual cheap tricks and underhanded tactics heading into the new year, my fellow PRO-American brethren!!!

  11. Joe D says:

    Are you kidding, he said he wanted nothing because he found out about the whistle blower, are you stupid or just blonde?
    If you want to investigate Biden, do it through the correct process, what are they hiding?
    You guys are worse then Fox, look up Joseph Goebbels, this is what you are doing to this country with all the lies you tell.

  12. Linda Thatcher says:

    I'm going to ask the almost obvious question. Does that mean that if those child molesters hurt your child you can legally kill them and basically get away with it because of the new laws they want implemented?

  13. James Lacey says:

    I find this news very informative, please do a weekly " What the MSM didn't tell us?" I have already subscribed and enjoy listening to your truthful commentary.
    Thank you.

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