I’ve had a few more messages about people worried about my standing in the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-Day Saints, because of the things I say online…

Whether they are being passive aggressive or not, it doesn’t matter to me where their heart is, because I try to have mine in the right place. So I’ll try to explain this the best I can… 

Two things can be true at once. The Gospel of Jesus Christ being restored back to the earth through living prophets, AND human beings a part of the restoration (in any calling) can have opinions and thoughts about health, safety, and medical procedures that may be opposite of yours. And that’s okay. 

We are all different and we can absolutely disagree in these topics. And guess what, it’s NOT apostate if we disagree. It’s actually healthy if we do, as long as we try and keep the love alive. 

What is faith and trust? 

My faith, trust, and testimony isn’t in an organization. Is that hard to read? And it’s not in any man, including  prophets living and those who have passed. We weren’t meant to worship men or have our thoughts hanging on what they say in every moment. That’s actually very unhealthy spiritually, and now physically, as we are seeing. 

I can’t even trust myself. 

That’s a tough pill to swallow when you think about it. Have you betrayed yourself? How many times? Have you ever done something you promised not to? So how can you trust yourself? You can’t. Let alone another man? I can trust myself that I will continue to screw up, over and over, and that’s about it. 

Can we sustain leaders in our church but still not have FAITH in them? What’s the first principle? Faith in who? Man? Are we asked to have FAITH in our leaders, or Faith in Jesus Christ? 

Think about it. 

My trust and testimony is in Christ and Christ alone. At least that’s where I try. Why? Because He can’t and won’t fail anyone. He has already won not only every battle, but also the war. However right now He is just watching to see if we, you and I, are going to believe in Him to be saved, or not. That’s all part of the test. Where does our faith ultimately rest? Him or man? 

For me, and again, my faith is not in me; It’s not any man (church calling or not) It’s not any organization. And it sure as hell isn’t in a government that seeks to control everything I typed above and more. A government that seeks to be God. A government that seeks to control not only your actions, but your mind as well, and when you give those up, your soul as well. 

I say this with love, but how unbelievably stupid was the global population to really believe the Government had things under control? That they had our best interest in mind? These are the same people who’ve allowed over 100 million babies to be slaughtered worldwide in the womb since the “pandemic” began. And we are supposed to trust them with health and safety? To really believe they wouldn’t lie? Please stop. 

Guess what gang? They lie. Satan literally controls every world Government out there. He has possessed every particle of society that hasn’t turned to God. And it’s getting darker. It’s all Prophecy. 

How many billions around the world are now not only scratching their heads, but now wondering what could be now circulating in their God given divine system that wasn’t ever designed to be messed with like this? Billions. It’s devastating. 

Yes, the Gospel is true. And yes, massive mistakes can be made, all at the same time. Or not. Maybe God tells his servants to have us do things to see if we will follow conscience. What did he tell Adam and Eve in the garden? You shall surely what? “Don’t take it!” When God desperately wanted them to. 

Both things can be true at once. People don’t understand that. But God never intended us to rely on any man, or organization, or ourselves alone. He intended us to rely on Him. Can’t you see? This is not apostate talk. Apostate talk is talking about ANYTHING that pretends to be the solution other than HIM! Let’s talk apostate. 

To me the church is a very battered up and dented ship that has a history of not always pointing directly towards the destination. Why? Because storms arise and the winds blow, and MEN are trying their best to steer it; but they are trying. And to me that means something. They won’t quit and neither will I. Not until Jesus Christ Himself comes to calm the ocean of unbelief. 

With that said, I believe it is the only ship (right now) with most of the puzzle pieces and truths that explain and teach who WE are. Not who the church is, but who WE are. A church building or temple won’t be exalted, we will if we want. 

Now what will I do if they throw you or off the side of the ship during this storm? What if some leaders on the deck throw you overboard? I’ll swim. You’ll swim. And we will both still make it because we know who our Savior is. Only HE can save.

There’s certain universal doctrines that cannot change. Certain principles that are true and unchangeable. Nothing can or will change them. Not a man. Not a church with men. Not an organization. And definitely not the Government. Nothing. 

I believe if our testimony and or faith is not 100% in Him and Him alone, we too will fail. But isn’t that a comforting thought? That He is actually real and is the answer to all of this? That is we would just repent and actually come unto Him? That helps me a lot. 

So in song I’ll finish my post….Follow the Savior, Follow the Savior, Follow the Savior, He IS the way.

I hope these thoughts help anyone who may be struggling with the thoughts of LIBERTY and church culture right now. The tides will change. Light and Liberty wins in the end. Why? Because God is Light and God is Liberty “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

Eric Moutsos

Interview with Del Bigtree and Eric Moutsos

2 replies
  1. robinegerton says:

    Great post and I wholeheartedly agree. I, too, am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in good standing (so far) and have not worn a mask to church once. I was often the only one in the congregation without a mask. The whole concept of wearing a mask (assuming they stop air-borne viruses) but taking it down for speaking and/or partaking of sacrament because the virus will not enter the air system of the room in those situations is ridiculous, whether a prophet is suggesting it or not. It’s like urinating in a corner of the pool – once it’s done, there is no calling it back nor is there a way to prevent the urine from blending with the rest of the entire pool. Same with taking a breath in a room – once you have exhaled, you can’t call that breath back, whether you put the mask back up or not; and once you’ve inhaled, those germs are in your body wether you put the mask back up or not. Eric, I would like a clarification on your paragraph that mentions Adam and Eve. I’m not sure I get your point. Also, how are you relating it to the current siutation? Thank you for all you are doing.

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