
California is suing President Trump, once again, over his efforts to send much needed water to farmers in the Central Valley. One America’s Pearson Sharp explains.
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22 replies
  1. Sick Nick says:

    LIVE UPDATE: We are now being informed that mass starvation has caused a hickup in Democrats agenda. The scientists that discovered when the world ends without receiving a Nobel prize or any recognition from the democrats other than describing them as such has now informed us there may have been an accidental switch up with their research papers and a local doctors office. Once sorted out they were relived to announce that the planet is now not ending but urgently advise kamala to report back to her gynecologist. Willie was unavailable for comment but reportedly said " dat ho gone need a lift cuz she make it stank for years son! Not in my whip!". Nancy was seen polishing off liquor bottles to send out help wanted ads to all major contractors with experience constructing effective walls but not barriers like she wanted to keep for her investors on the border. HOLD ON : Our producer Fredo has just received a call from Nancy saying she made it out the country safely and will be hiding out with friends and buisness colleagues at? We'll have to get back to you as Fredo says he heard one to many um's and threatened her with a one way trip down the stairs. But instantly realized he would be targeted by her new cartel roommates. Maxine is in the studio expressing her concerns to the best of her abilities but all I can make sense of is Trump mess'n the game up I better not lose my mansions just cuz his math or whatever they do with numbers says a congressional salary don't match my spending monies. Maxine has assured us all tax funded monies have went to keeping California's sidewalks and homeless shelters. She even went on to say she will show proof as soon as she gets done writing up the receipts. She seems to be done but insists if you impeach 45 from 30,000,000 and carry the one then all the funds are accounted for. Apparently she inhaled with kamala before they graduated top tier of their class in 02' back when snoop dog weighed enough to go outside even if the wind was blowing. Thank you we had issues but have found the 19. The photos scrolling across appear to be the original California Raisins WAIT WHAT: Correction that's graduation photos of class 1902. The chaos outside the studio seems to be reaching new levels as liberals find new ways of launching poo bombs at anyone trying to get near river banks as a secondary defense of protection for the also top tier fish but confidently believe they've added enough poisonus chemicals to the water to deter the people able to swim. Although they may be in trouble if the man with the red hat dosent remove his "FREE Socialist Swimming lessons " sign. Gavin has tried to convince the top tier fish to caravan their way to his house before the battle began but even with all his wisdom he was ultimately schooled with minimal use of common sense that was feared extinct in the state and promptly scared off by a rape whistle dropped by a 375lb protester that couldn't resist protesting everything smaller than her or the preferred pronoun of the day. Tragically upon an attempt to dodge simple questions was struck by vehicle unaware highways are for activists on foot only. We'll be back live once we find a conservative to blame the failure of our liberal beliefs on with special guest Justin Tredue and his new book : how to cope with a failed transition and ruin Canada for dummies. Expected to pass Stelters book in the top 10,000!

  2. Bher Rabbit says:

    That's crazy. Why am I not surprised they want to blame President Trump? Drain your swimming pools for the good of the environment? No, they'll all get high, dive into the empty holes in the ground, break their necks, THEN their "illegal" house slaves will sue the President. I give up on this one, ask a liberal, they ACT like they have all the answers.

  3. Uluwatu says:

    It would be a good idea for California farmers to engage agricultural scientists to develop a method of "Drip" watering for their crops. Israel is having great success with it.

  4. john doe says:

    Why don’t we put a law against water in those almonds every day and how many billions of gallons of water taxpayers a spin for that said water

  5. john doe says:

    I would love to know how a state government feels and believes that they have the right to sell a natural source that is owned by the people in the first place

  6. Andrew Polkowski says:

    This is The Democratic Playbook on America. (1) U.S. Military Intelligence revealed Land of The Unaware Democrat Voting Crash Test Dummy. / https://www.conservativedailynews.com/2018/02/obama-hillarys-16-year-plan-destroy-america/ (2) California Democrats hate Gun Crime but not when its created by illegal immigrants. / https://youtu.be/x6xa2jtAjZs (3) Sick and Tired of The Dangerous and Delusional Lies, This New Jersey Democrat, A Real Patriotic American Stands Tall on Truth. / https://youtu.be/jC1jLHpUOAo (4) The most subtle form of brainwashing the public and how to create A Socialist State in America using brainwashed Crash Test Dummies against The America Republic. "The Book Rules for Radicals" (https://bolenreport.com/saul-alinskys-12-rules-radicals/) By Former College Professor and mentor of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and other Fascist / Marxist / Socialist Democrats and Rino's in Congress, Professor Saul Alinsky, on The Demonic Principles on how to become a Radicalized Marxist / Socialist / Communist written his book, "Rules for Radicals", https://bolenreport.com/saul-alinskys-12-rules-radicals/ explaining that he, Saul Alinsky, dedicated his work to Lucifer. Look specifically at numbers 2, 3, and 8 of the chart. / https://spectator.org/the-hillary-alinsky-lucifer-connection/ From Saul Alinsky's Playboy interview in 1972. ALINSKY: Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I’ve been with the have-nots. Over here, if you’re a have-not, you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in hell, you’re short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there.
    PLAYBOY: Why them?
    ALINSKY: They’re my kind of people.“
    Saul Alinsky died a few months after the interview, on June 12, 1972, and no doubt got his wish.*  (5) Plans Exposed in 1958 of The New World Order's Future Control and Destruction of America. / https://youtu.be/2R7p80hTCfc (6) What happens when Democrats run your State. Is this the principles of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" used on California / https://youtu.be/mn1fxChSbYk (7) A Former Satanic Secret Society Member explains The Satanic Elite's thinking on All of Us Mark Passio on Satanists ' Total Contempt for Humanity + Mind Control + True Great Work. / https://youtu.be/ToCFacIR-E0 Evil's # 1 Priority is keeping people Dumbed Down and to kneel to A Demonic New World Order (8) Top Demonic Elite Illuminati Grand Master Albert Pike creator of the Klu Klux Klan on using Islam and the Muslim Religion for the creation of The 3rd World War between Christianity vs. Islam to create The New World Order. "We control Islam and will use it to destroy the West" https://youtu.be/0dXD2H0m74g (9) America's Demonically Influenced and Controlled Ivy League Fraternity "The Order of Skull and Bones" America's Secret Establishment trying to Demonically Control and manage everyone as dumbed down Cattle in America by Dr. Anthony Sutton https://youtu.be/L_YWFC1HY74 (10) Full Interview "The Order of Skull and Bones". America's Secret establishment and how they control education and create Wars and Revolutions in the World by Dr. Anthony Sutton. / https://youtu.be/yh3jwyqg0GQ (11) United Nation / (Blue Helmets) vehicles sited across America. / https://youtu.be/m8Vu5sItRZE (12) *Whose side are The Marine Reservist on reactivated by President Trump. / https://youtu.be/vFWfwHClNG4 (13) Ex-NSA Officer talks about the Council of 9 and the @ 12:30 mark talks about George Washington's vision of the 3rd World War in America with the aid of Angels in Heaven. / https://youtu.be/cGAuuK3Mitc (14) George Washington's Prophecy of Future America. / http://www.civil-liberties.com/pages/prophesy.html

  7. Dan Nelson says:

    Interstate highway and there's a Democratic president the Republicans are always about state rights and then when there's a right-wing dictator in office like Trump they have no problem with him stomping all over states rights.

    And the people claiming that they should stop all federal aid to California keep in mind that California contributes more federal tax then 25 States combined. All of which are red States. Yep California pays more federal tax than half the nation combined the federal aid that they're giving us is our own damn money.

    It's really time for California to take its money and secede from the rest of the nation and let them wallow in their own BS.

    This year California moved on to being the 5th largest economy in the world without California the US would drop to second place as a second largest economy in the world after China.

    Central Valley farmers get more than their own fair share of water they just want more and it's impacting a multibillion-dollar Industries surrounding the delta. And to be fair California Agriculture only represent a mere 2% of the state's gross domestic product. Agriculture doesn't even generate enough money to cover its own subsidies in other words California Agriculture is fully subsidized by the taxpayers.

    California would be far better off building apartments in shopping malls where the farm fields are it would significantly increase the states gross domestic product.

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