I don’t know if you guys can feel it, but it seems another wave of darkness is about to hit the shore. Like many of us have been saying since last March/April 2020, this is only going to get worse with regards to what we imagined life would be like for the future of our families; but we must keep the fire of faith alive in our hearts and minds.

Right now, satan has the world in check. We have taken God out of the equation and are now finally starting to pay the consequences with the lack of protection for everyone to “go back to normal”. Normal is over. Normal as we have known it will never come back. Now we get to decide what we do with what’s coming. Will we be the light with faith based in agency, or comply with fear to the darkness?

Almost every organization and institution has sold itself for the mighty dollar or out of fear. The dollar that’s ironically about the crash. So what are they trading for? They have and will continue to bow down to the globalists who will continue to promise to “save them” with promises as each new phase and wave of control comes upon nation’s. 

Just as calculated as God is, so is the devil. The devil can also work in different dimensions of space and time. He has been sowing seeds of destruction for thousands of years, and we are now starting to reap what he has sown. Satan has put in place an incredibly calculated plan where we won’t be able to choose in order to be “saved”, from jobs to basic necessities. Just as God is preparing for the United Order, 1,000 years of peace with volunteering love and help of the human race, where a currency won’t be needed, the devil is mimicking the Father’s plan with a New World Order fueled by force, fear, and manipulation. And most of the world will sadly bow to it, thinking compliance will bring freedom; but like a snake wrapped around its prey, the restrictions will only get tighter. 

The corrupted politicians and blinded society will say, “oh you get to choose, but you don’t get to choose the consequences.” You’ll start to see passive aggressive manipulative language like this coming from many.

But make no mistake, this ends where every single soul will have to really choose, God or Government. Or in other words, God or Mammon (which literally means money). You can have anything in this world for money. Right? And each and every forced decision society makes will be tied to comforts and livelihoods for the morbidly obedient masses. Lambs to the slaughter.

Pastor Martin Niemoller once said, “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

This isn’t about vaccines to satan. Just like it wasn’t about masks. Vaccines are just another tool used in order for control. Just wait until you don’t get bread for your family in a 1/4 mile long government line based on societies exact behavior. It’s an inverted evil type and shadow of heaven. Satan’s version of a forced heaven, his plan from the beginning is now being fully implemented.

Heber J. Grant once said, “Satan plans to destroy liberty and freedom… and set up in place thereof the greatest, most widespread and most complete tyranny that has ever oppressed men. He is working under such perfect disguise that many do not recognize either him or his methods.”

The kingdom of God calls for certain moral commandments and behavior in order to abide its glory; satan calls for the opposite. And now that satan has put in place his kingdom on earth, where he controls most every corruptible body, individually and collectively, if his demandments aren’t met, you’re “cast out” of his kingdom! That’s why we are about to see two societies completely separate from each other; two different orders.

That’s why I believe the very last thing we must personally do is comply to the devil’s demandments. Christ’s commandments keep us in the kingdom of God, free and faithful filled with real choice, and the devil’s demandments keep us in a controlled hell, crippled with fear. It’s real simple if you think about it. 

So now the “choice” truly is, who will we bow before? What will we bow to? Commandments or Demandments? Who will we surrender to? And ultimately who will we serve for eternity? “Choose ye this day whom you will serve!” We only have one chance at this, and now is the time to really choose.

Light always conquers darkness. Always. That’s why God needs us to be the light (with faithful action) in these the last days. The good news is God does win in the end. He is the Way, the Truth, Life, and Light of the world.

Eric Moutsos