Before I take President Nelson’s 10 day fast social media challenge, I need to share a few thoughts and feelings I’ve had watching the soul stirring General Conference this weekend.

I’ve had such overwhelming feelings that we are truly in the very last of days before Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It’s so evident. The world is in complete commotion. Especially morally. Yesterday, an apostle of the Lord mentioned simple truths about the eternal nature of our personal identities as male and female, and today is getting attacked by so many.

The church is going to be one of the last institutions standing on certain universal principles, and for that will be persecuted by the whole earth, until its enemies will be banging on the temple doors. It will not fall because it’s His church, but times will get much worse. If we each aren’t rooted in truth and light, we won’t make It through the storms that are coming.

Likewise, Satan seeks to destroy us, individually, at every angle. And he’s very calculated. His mission is to take over each one of our hearts minds until he sinks our souls. He wants to isolate us after he takes over our mind. He wants us to eventually give up. His hosts of unseen spirits are gathered with a plan of attack. Just like water trying to get in a boat, he surrounds our vessels trying to creep in ANY possible crack. We can sink, but through Christ we can rise again and stay the course back to Him. (See Ether 6:3-13)

Many years ago I took Moroni’s challenge (Moroni 10:3-5) to read and pray and ask of myself if Jesus Christ was the head of this church, and if we have living prophets. I did. I had a sacred experience. It changed my life. It continues to change me. Anytime I start to stray off the path I can feel my soul slowly grow cold, I go through the steps of faith in Christ, repentance, spiritual baptism by partaking of the sacrament, and I will, inevitably, through the gift of grace and mercy, feel the Saviors love beckoning me and telling me that all is well. I’m renewed in Him. It’s real. I promise.

Why do I publicly and openly share this on social media? I echo the words of Nephi written in the Book of Mormon, “For the fulness of mine intent is that I may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved.” I share this because I love you.

I’m sorry if I offend any of you with my controversial posts or cultural disagreements I have. I post to get people thinking, some for fun, but mostly because I deeply care for the current affairs of our country and our next generation, who will need to take the torch of truth into even darker times ahead. We need to be engaged. We must fight (with love) for our freedoms. Especially religious freedoms. Satan will not stop with his darkness. But through us, God’s light can shine and dispel all evil. Christ is the light of the world. So are you.

I am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.