I share this story because I recently talked to a friend who’s son may not go on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I told her not to fear, no matter what happens with him. Because there are missionary moments all around, all the time. Here’s one…

In or around 2011 I was on my police patrol bicycle with one of my patrol partners making sure the streets of Salt Lake City were safe and sound. A gentleman named Dale Lloyd approached us and started talking about our bikes. He knew more than I did about my own bike. For some I was in a bad mood that day and actually wanted to ride away from the conversation, but for some reason we kept talking to him.

During the conversation I had very distinct feeling that this man needed help, not the kind of 911 help you may be thinking, but spiritually. Yes we all need help spiritually, but this thought was like lightning to my mind. I remember I didn’t want to talk to him about anything like that when I was in my police uniform.

Against my fear, I started probing and asking him where is was from, where he lived, etc. The next thought came to my mind that I needed to invite him to watch a certain video that was playing just a few blocks away at Temple Square (downtown Salt Lake City). All of the sudden I found myself inviting this man to watch this video, and as I did, I could feel the Spirit of God start to surround our conversation. My partner (who had gone on an LDS mission) started sharing his testimony with this man as well. The feeling was intense. Undeniable, really. I ended with my testimony about the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and as we rode away, I said “Don’t forget to go see that movie!” While peddling, “Can you believe we just did that?” I said to my partner.

Months and months past and I forgot about the encounter. I received a message from another officer in the department that said, “Call Dale Lloyd”(with a phone number). Apparently Dale had tracked down another cop to find me. I didn’t recognize the name at first but when called I knew exactly who it was. Dale expressed on the phone that he went to the movie and that he hasn’t been able to get our conversation on the corner of 1st South and Main Street and the way he felt.

I knew that I had to meet up with Dale and so I invited him to lunch. We met and he somewhat broke down to me and explained that he had once gone on an LDS mission over 30 years prior, and that he had never felt the way he felt when we (my partner and I) testified to him. That night I had an impression to get him a set of scriptures and deliver it to his house. I even got his name embossed on the front of the scriptures.

I invited Dale to church with my family the following week and he accepted my invitation. He came from Salt Lake to West Jordan, Utah. I was actually teaching a Gospel Principles class that day and it happened to be on Joseph Smith and The First Vision. The entire class I had a prayer in my heart that Dale would feel to know the truthfulness of the story, unquestionably. Later, we exited the church building and I walked him to his car. He burst out in tears and said “I know now that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God!” I started to cry with him. It was one of the most powerful moments of my life. Dale started to go back to church with his Mom and Dad.

It’s almost 2019 and Dale and I have been close friends since. Dale was recently diagnosed with several severe medical conditions that have threatened his life and put him down and out, and in the hospital for many days in a row. I hope he pulls out of it. But one thing I do know is that he now knows God on a deeper level. So do I. It’s a connection and moment in space that can never be taken away.

Sometimes I think back at moments like this and wonder if maybe this is why God called me to be a cop for 7 years of my life. I have a lot of stories like this when I look back, spiritual stories, too many to count and write about. But these are the most precious to me.

I didn’t serve a full-time mission and I used beat myself up for so many years that I came home early from it. I wasn’t mentally ready at the time. But I’m here to testify that we are missionaries EVERYWHERE we go and that God will put us in the path of so many, if we will just be willing to open up our mouth when He asks. It’s souls that are on the line. It’s a war for souls. And when we help find one and bring them to God, everyone’s souls are healed. I thank God that I crossed paths with Dale. I think he did more for me than I did for him. I need more moments like that.