Does anyone have a child that’s a little too independent and wants to do everything on their own?

Yesterday after succumbing to my 6 year old wanting to eat cup-o-noodles for breakfast, I felt defeated. Then, I tried to justify it. This is an incredibly balanced meal, with like 5 corn kernels, 3 petrified peas, and tiny chewy pieces of cat, I’m sure. Protein right? And Mom wasn’t around to see this go down. So I went for it.

However, I did put my foot down with the idea of her heating the noodles by herself. I didn’t want her dealing with scolding hot water cup-o-noodles needs. That water will melt your face off.

After a huge debacle because she wanted to pour the hot water, and not me, she finally broke down and wouldn’t eat anything. Not sugar cereal, nothing. So I sent her to school upset with a hungry belly and tears down rolling her cheeks. The look she gave me before she left was kinda scary. Almost like “I’m going to get you.”

Hours later I realized I couldn’t find my car keys. I had a sales meeting. I searched forever. Went through the entire house 3 times and nothing. Over and over. Started in a corner and dug through my entire house. I was a sweaty mess. I finally threw up my hands up and asked heaven for help. I then had a thought to call the front desk to summon my 6 year old at school.

“Hi miss so-and-so, is Rachel Moutsos there?, this is her Dad.” “Yes Mr. Moutsos, let me call her to the front desk.”

“Hi Dad” a little voice comes on. “Rachel, do you happen to know where my keys are?” Long pause. “Umm Yes” she said quietly. “Where are they, Rachel?” “Umm in the back of my night stand drawer.” “Why did you put them there, Rachel?” “Because I was mad at you.” Me… very long pause. “Thank you Rachel, please don’t ever do that again okay, I love you.” “Okay Dad, love you, bye.”

After she said I love you, my blood went down to room temperature and I could breath again. I originally was thinking to drive down to the school to scold, but truly, I was so happy to have my keys. And I felt like if I would have scolded her, she would never tell me where they were next time. We now trust each other, right? Plus, if I would have scolded, the look I saw before school showed she would get more revenge. These kids now days plot. These kids will execute. And they will destroy you.

Later today when I see her, I think we will have a nice loving and emotional talk about the consequences and realities of missing important appointments of a strait commission sales job.

Can you imagine what God must think when we dig our heals in when He is just trying to help us? All because He loves us and doesn’t want us to get burned by the scolding hot water predicaments we get ourselves into? Yep. We are all little children.