I’ve just heard of yet another marital affair with someone I know well. This last one really upset me. Is it just me or does anyone else notice more of a trend in this lately?

A few quick questions if you are having an affair or are planning to have one… and I say this with love…

Do you really think you will get away with it?

If the answer is yes, you’re mistaken and lying to yourself. You will get caught. Sooner than later.

And let’s say you somehow get away with it for a year or two, how long until your conscience will catch up to you?

The answer is very quickly once the emotions die down and reality sets in. You can run but you can’t hide. Especially from God, in this life or the next.

And last, do you understand the mental, physical, and spiritual destruction you will or are causing in the lives of people that love you?

There is nothing worse. I would rather see someone I love die physically, than die spiritually. Nothing worse.

I hope this didn’t offend anyone who is working through anything like this in their marriage, it’s not my intent. Families can overcome this devastation. Many do and become stronger. But many many don’t. The consequences are tremendous.

I just want you to know that the few fake seconds of the physical lust you feel isn’t worth ruining your life, or the lives of those around you. Even the long term emotional attachments to one that is not you’re spouse, not worth it. The devil is out full force right now. And nobody is immune. It can happen to anyone.

Love your spouse and be faithful. Even in the hardest and darkest times. The light and love will shine again if you’re both willing.

The good news is God can fix it if we let Him. I know He can. We can never sink lower than His light can reach. It will be a battle, but it’s possible.