This whole trend happening with the jab and corporations, schools like BYU/Hawaii, Gov facilities, restaurants, some churches (certain stakes), amusement parks, etc, etc, is one of the darkest and most manipulative moves I’ve seen the devil make and society step into, literally with “open arms”.

Yes, it’s worse than the masks. These decisions being forced on people will have life and body altering consequences that NOBODY knows exactly what will happen.

You mean to tell me these people are so power hungry, or sheeple scared that they will lose their higher up jobs, so they are willing to discriminate on free thinking, or conscience driven people who don’t want to become part of the world’s largest experiment in world history?

What happened to choice? What happened to live and let live? What happened to “safe spaces”? What happened to common sense? What happened to hope in God? What happened to belief in the bodies and immune systems He created for us?

If this thing actually worked for them, why are they so afraid if you don’t have it? If it doesn’t work for them, why do they want you to take it?

You don’t do that to people. You don’t force. You don’t use fear. You don’t manipulate. You don’t discriminate. Because that’s what this is, TRUE discrimination.

Make no mistake, this is its own religion. Its own doctrine. Its own church. Based on things “hoped” for, in things definitely not “seen”… With new “scripture” being made up on a daily basis. Let’s talk about “blindly following” all of the “priests of science”…. Let’s talk about what a real cult looks like. The largest cult in human history.

We turned to the wrong God, gang. And I testify that we will suffer for it. No, we are suffering for it. Light is being dimmed because of fear and darkness around the world.

Is Medical freedom not as important as religious freedom? I argue it is. Why? Because if our bodies are our temples, it does matter what is inside of them. Right? It’s one in the same. And if religious organizations don’t start fighting for these principles of freedom and continue to put their faith (literally in the ARM of the FLESH) we will suffer what the scriptures have warned about for thousands of years. Yes, churches can be manipulated by powerful governments, like we just saw with the “shutdowns” by not “allowing” churches not being “Essential” and operate as they should.

Just because church leaders of any denomination decide to do what they believe is best for THEIR own personal bodies, doesn’t mean that’s YOUR’S or your child’s body. No religious leader anywhere forces its members to take vitamins, fruits of vegetables, or even exercise, even as good as they are for you; therefore no religious leader is forcing anyone to take experimental operations to try and stop a cold virus, especially with the survivability rate as high as it is.

I believe just as God is incredibly detailed and calculated spiritually with good, so is the devil with evil. Every square inch of space and time (even in society) is either occupied by God or the devil, by light or darkness, by good or evil. And that occupancy is all determined on YOU and I, and the choices we make. Babylon or Zion. We get to choose. Or do we? Have we really lost that choice?

If we don’t become the light and start using our voices in all of these organizations, and I mean all of them, darkness is going to continue to infiltrate every single square inch of these institutions that’s been built in these latter days. And then it’s game, set, match.

God intended man to be free and have liberty. And you can’t have liberty without morality. And it’s immoral to manipulate behavior based on guesses of the CULTURAL current trends and “science” of the day. Liberty is lost and bondage is inevitable.

Yes, God intended us to be guided back to Him, with our own FREE WILL and choice. He wants us to desperately get back to heaven, but He won’t force us. “Good” cannot be forced, or that quickly turns to evil.

A wise man once said….”We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost ALL men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.”

Be the light. Stand firm. Be bold. It’s God or government.

We cannot serve two masters. It’s our choice.

Watch the documentary, Non-Essential free here

I’ve been thinking about the word righteousness, and if it’s a place we can arrive on our own from the works we do or don’t do… 

Can we be righteous people on our own? If so, how? 

I don’t think we can earn righteousness anymore that we can earn salvation. Salvation is a gift we receive once we receive Christ in our hearts and strive to keep that Spirit in us, and more importantly just acknowledge where that gift is coming from. We don’t earn it per se. 

Years ago I had an opportunity to have a private lunch with President Dallin H. Oaks from my church. We spent several hours together and he taught me many things I’ll never forget. One of them was a principle I learned about acknowledging God in all things. 

During our conversation anytime I brought up a talk that he gave in General Conference, and how much I loved certain parts to it, he would do something interesting, I didn’t at the time understand fully, and maybe I still don’t now; but after I would bring up the part of the talk, and how amazing it was, he would just slowly point his finger up to heaven. Indicating that “it wasn’t him” that gave the talk, but instead inspiration given from heaven. That to me was righteous, and it is a gift he had by making that connection to heaven with a simple point of a finger and thought about God. 

See now like a very underdeveloped person and soul like myself, if someone gives me any type of praise, even if they themselves feel God can be with me from time to time, I sometimes seem to always find a way to absolutely blow it, by absorbing the praise as if it were myself, and not God. Which many times is not righteous at all. Therefore not always using the gifts I have for good. Stopping the flow with selfishness. 

I believe it’s one of the reasons society is in such a mess; because we walk around all day praising ourselves and others; thinking it’s us who are doing everything, and not God who gave us the gifts we have. Because speaking about God is so taboo now days, very few people have the gift of real righteousness. We may look right, especially online, sadly many of us (including myself) don’t really have it figured out, and are really wrong. 

“But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” 1st Cor 1:30 

In other words, like light, righteousness just happens naturally when we are actually turned to the light and yoking with God. Righteousness is a gift like faith; and I believe it’s received when we are actually yoked with Christ. We are made righteous (or right) because we allow Christ to live in and through us, like a flowing fountain of water that doesn’t sit stagnant, selfishly inside ourselves. 

I believe it’s why President Oaks pointed up so the praise could flow back to God, and therefore allow more room inside himself to receive future revelation coming back down from heaven, to give to others. Back and forth all day with people who truly understand. Righteousness is a gift from God, it’s not something we can achieve or earn on our own.

Righteousness seems to have more of a legal feel to it.. “To be right” or “Justified”…but can we ever really be “right” or “justified” without Jesus Christ in and through us? Even if we are doing all the things that “look good” outwardly? I don’t believe we can on our own, not even close. Because Christ is always RIGHT we can become RIGHTEOUS if we come unto Him. 

“those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ” (Rom. 5:17)

I want to testify that Jesus Christ is the One and only being that can fix everything in our lives, not only fix it, but make us truly righteous with his power. Justified in righteousness. There is no other way.

A few things on my mind I need to try and articulate regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints….

Some people get upset with me because I very rarely sensor comments on my Facebook threads, especially when someone has a critical thought about leaders of my church and how they are reacting to this last year. Which yes, sometimes makes anyone pause who thinks critically about freedom and Liberty, and where the United States is concerned in both. 

So sometimes you have to wonder if are people getting offended because it’s hurting the church leaders, or it’s hurting their ego and they’ve allowed themselves to become offended and challenged their thoughts into a cognitive dissonance they couldn’t handle, so they blame the uncomfortableness on now “YOU” being apostate. When really it’s them not allowing themselves to think or feel properly. 

Yes, there’s times where people cross the line, especially church members speaking ill of the men called at this time, for whatever reason. No, maybe they aren’t Ezra Taft Benson, but have these current men serving nit given their entire lives to the work of God, for how many years? 

President Oaks has been an apostle since I was around 2 years old. An apostle, with a busy schedule focused on trying to build the kingdom of God. And some are openly bad mouthing him because he didn’t use words in his last talk like Ezra Taft Benson would have used? So we are now bad mouthing him? I must admit I was sad to see so many negative comments on my post which read “President Oaks for President” a few days ago. 

Well, maybe he didn’t say it like Benson would have said it, but maybe because Benson already said it! And very few listened to him then; very few got politically engaged; how many of you went to every caucus meeting when the church asked you to go? Further, how many who wear masks (because the church put out a letter) but failed to go to those caucus meetings for years? 

So if we didn’t listen then, why would God have them preach freedom now? Why is the prophet now preaching FAITH in his last talk? Faith? Literally the first principle of the gospel? 

I believe it’s because we may have gotten what we deserved. Milk. A mask. A vaccine. All telestial solutions, because not very many people were turning to God for the solutions in the first place, even some leaders in the church. Some have even turned to government as the solution. I don’t believe this is the churches fault. 

We, the men, failed years ago. This is mostly our fault. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow because I’m in the same boat. Guilty. I don’t even know who’s on my own city council, because I think the solution is on the state level, which yes it is, but power comes from more inside the circle than we think. The helm to a ship.  

Did not President Nelson say it anymore crystal clear, “We will open as far as the government allows us to open” In other words, we are subject to the very government WE deserve because of OUR unfaithfulness towards true liberty, with engaged civic duty. Remember, this is directly after a talk from President Oaks saying it should be “We the People” who govern our leaders, and no man should be above another. 

So from Oaks to Nelson, I believe they were saying, look within and HELP US help YOU. That’s the major take away I saw. That this is our faults more than we know. 

We’ve been building Babylon for far too long, while the adversary swooped in and started abusing the bride (the church) …, That’s what I believe is happening. They can’t do what we think they can do, because it’s not their role. 

However, like President Oaks said, it’s the role of We The People, to “uphold and defend” the constitution through holding offices nobody good really wants to run for or hold office. God knows I don’t. 

So then why do we turn around a blame the church? Is it because we want them to not only hold our hand through the war in and out of heaven, but now hold our hand while we fight for our earthly wars for freedom? After listening to Oaks AND Nelson, the message couldn’t have been more clear. It’s not their job. It’s our job. And WE are failing. Especially blaming them for our lack of real civic engagement. 

Yes, even though I too get frustrated watching men not act like the men while serving in a role similar to a woman’s; wasn’t the scriptures clear that it’s sometimes guys like Captain Moroni (who didn’t have a church calling that we know of) get recognized by Mormon (over the prophet at the time) “If all men were like unto”…. who? Captain Moroni. A man fighting for Liberty without a church calling. In the time he was living in, where Government was too corrupted, I don’t think Captain Moroni COULD’VE have a church calling and done what he did. Because the church was getting abused then too. And Captain Moroni was “Angry” with who? The government. 

The church may be likened unto the woman who’s single and soul job is to protect protect protect, under any circumstance. Protect her home, protect her children, protect family, …. We as the husbands and elders of Israel  FAILED to DEFEND the woman, especially through our civic duty for Liberty over the years, because of the comforts and easiness of the way. We led ourselves into captivity because of too much prosperity mixed with immorality, who built up Babylon for the vain things of the world. And we are all guilty. I know I am. 

“13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.

14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Rev 12

It seems we can only blame the government and now churches for so long until we actually rise up and take control of our own lives and communities. There’s no other way. 

Yes the church is imperfect; because it’s ran by imperfect men just trying to do what’s right; But lets please stop blaming the church for the job we are failing to do; which is to protect her. 

No I don’t like it, but this last General Conference made me realize I am the problem way more than I’ve been believing. We aren’t doing our part. We aren’t truly engaged or organized like we need to be. 

I love our church leaders and though I may not agree with all of their politics and exact tactics, I am so thankful for their life-long selfless service for the Kingdom of God on the earth today. God bless and continue to sustain them in the storms that are bound to happen in the last days. 

And I don’t care if you disagree with me. I love you anyway.

Spencer Cox just killed women sports in Utah. He wouldn’t sign a bill to protect real women athletes. But he sure got his national headlines he wanted with his daily manipulative pretend tears.

This is NOT an “anti trans” bill. This bill would have protected actual women. But Spencer Cox doesn’t care about real women. He would rather have a few men dressed like woman, dominate real women in sports, to get the praise of the world. He said, “When you spend time with these kids, it changes your heart in important ways.” What a disgusting politician USING the LGBTQ people AND real women.

Remember this is the same person who admitted to bullying gay people in school. Who does that? A bully who used LGBT people then, and a bully using them NOW. All for votes. All for him.And let’s talk about the real war on women. This is it. The decades of work to protect the rights of women, cancelled overnight by a “conservative God fearing Governor” in the great state of Utah.

No, I don’t think he HATES women, I just believe he loves himself so so much more. This is all about Spencer Cox and how he’s seen to the world, in other words, seen to the wrong god. There is something up with this dude behind the scenes. What a creep.

Has anyone else noticed who the dark and fierce cultural “leaders” are turning into the enemies? Who are now the “bad guys” in the world’s eyes?

We are one of the only dispensations that have most, if not ALL of the written records relating to how civilizations were ultimately destroyed because of wickedness and corruption. God let us know most everything. Literally handed it all to us. This is not to mention any and all sources of information in the palm of our hands (phones), and we still don’t seem to get it; even with all the combined scriptures possible. 

I’m not just talking about scriptures about love and heaven, but unfortunately about the pain it takes to arrive in a heavenly state; things like overcoming sin, continual repentance, heartache, forgiveness, and the Eternal hell some will remain in, if they don’t choose to move forward toward the light. Being “Damned” simply means being stopped in progression. 

Further, these scriptures include wars that must be fought, spiritually and physically; These scriptures talk about the fight for freedom and liberty, corrupt as hell governments, “secret combinations”, death, control, fear, evil, and how the father of lies is behind it all. 

Even further, these scriptures (along with living prophets) show and tell we are near the final battles between good and evil, right before the Lord returns to GATHER everyone together; and when the devils (and their followers) will be DIVIDED and SCATTERED, into the darkness for 1000 years. The devil will always divide and God will always gather. Always.

How can we as Christians (whether LDS or another denomination) fully read scripture patterns of corruption and warning voices, written for our current day, knowing Christ is about to come, AND ALSO somehow believe the current government, politicians, “scientists”, and mainstream media have our best interests in mind? 

In other words, if the corrupt government and deep-state media AREN’T the enemy for the final days against the church before Christ comes, who then is the enemy? 

If Hollywood, most giant corporations, many professional athletes, colleges, who are all calling for “unity”, but in reality preaching true discrimination and segregation, especially towards believers, again who then is the enemy in the last days? 

Is it the Christian’s who are standing up to the ways of the world? Is it Christian who chooses to finally say “I’ve had enough!” .. “I’m going to speak out for my country!” Is that the people the scriptures warned everyone about that would attack the Latter Day Saints? The “fringe” patriots? The “crazy conspiracy theorists” who actually believe the scriptures? The loons who claim they can see spiritually what’s happening? 

The ONLY ones willing to fight for freedoms, while the very loud mouths who mock, and don’t understand they are using that God given right that will soon be ripped away by an agenda who doesn’t want anyone to speak in the end, except for the devil himself? 

Is it the people who are putting their lives and jobs on hold, yelling at the tops of our lungs, being cancelled out-of-society for DEFENDING the Constitution? Are they the enemy? Because it seems so. Those who believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights? 

The people who express openly the crazy idea that a marriage between a man and a woman is sacred and holy, and no other pattern can operate in the highest part of heaven? Are they the enemy? 

The radical idea that killing a baby in the most sacred and holy place on earth, the mother’s womb, may just be an evil thing for everyone involved, dead or alive? Are those the dark enemies the scriptures talk about? The ones standing on the walls taking arrows trying to protect life? 

Because clearly groups like the Democratic Party aren’t dangerous at all. The party who will clearly do ANYTHING to take the power. 

The party who uses the BLM “movement” to hijack over 95% of all the funds coming to the organization, ironically ran by very rich white politicians who need to keep minorities down, by preaching how being a victim is the only way to survive. They can’t be the enemy! They are just helping. 

The party who kills millions of babies in the womb; the party that pushes socialism, the party that divides people into classes, shames anyone who disagrees with them, destroys families by government incentives to stay single, cancels real women, destroys bold conservative truthful women, confuses our God given identity into a smoorgasbord of 65 genders, uses women and minorities as pawns to appear diverse, when in reality they are the true racists and sexists and bigots. 

No, this group sounds like ticket that will get us straight into the kingdom of God, right? Oh wait, they also cancelled God over the years. There’s no way they are the enemy. Not possible. 

The bottom line is we are being deceived by satan on every level in society. Including by church owned media sources like the Deseret News, who use the church’s good name for their dark political agenda, whoever is behind the scenes. It’s sick.

We truly do live in the last days where “good will be evil and evil good.” So who is it? Who’s the reason why God’s anger is kindled for in the last days? 

The honest and scared man and woman standing up and speaking right now, even if they get fired or shamed by family and friends, OR the very corrupt world government “leaders” (and their wicked civilian mob armies, along with the wicked MSM) who, at every chance they can, will grab for more control and money? Who is the enemy? 

The ones scrambling backwards on defense trying to protect their jobs and homes and children, OR could it just be the perpetrators pushing forward with lie after lie after lie in every possible way to take our freedoms and Liberties? 

Who is the enemy? 

The good news is God isn’t the enemy, and He wins in the end. I testify if we just keep trying to listen to the light inside of our souls (our conscience) it will lead us directly back to Him.

It’s time to turn to God on a deeper level. I’ve been feeling it lately. We aren’t ready. I’m definitely not. But we need to be. Either we do it voluntarily, or compelled. We need to become bold and a humble people. “As wise as serpents and harmless as doves”, just like Jesus was.

I believe Donald Trump “losing” was just a witness to America that not even the strongest fighter since George Washington could do it, and I’m convinced NO man can. We keep looking to Washington DC for the answer, and it’s not there. I’m also convinced that’s what God is trying to tell us. We can’t and won’t have a political savior. We are looking in the wrong places for answers. God is the answer. And WE are the answer with Him. We The People.

With every piece of fake news that comes out, the only possible way to know the truth is to feel it by the Holy Spirit. And when you see the wrong, more importantly FEEL the wrong, that’s the Spirit telling you. And it’s our duty to call it out. All of us. Not just a few of us. Or we will go dark and numb. Calling out the darkness gives you more light. It’s an eternal principle of progression. Speaking the truth.

I understand how scary and fearful it is for many fathers and husbands to say or post online what you truly believe, but are too afraid, because you may lose your job. I understand it too well. And it’s scary. But I want to testify that God will protect your family, even financially. It will be hard at first, but a job is just a job. And chances are you hate your job anyway. Most do. So why sit silent? Can’t you see what’s happening?

We need men’s voices right now. More than ever. Too many women voices are outnumbering the men. It’s embarrassing to watch. Even some of the freedom fighting women are starting to change their last names on social, because they are afraid their husbands will be attacked at their activism. Can you believe we live in a time like this? Where women are fighting more than the men are? All because of fear you will lose money?

Because the bottom line is you believe your job and money are more important than our freedom and Liberty, but I promise you if we don’t hear and see more voices, and I mean a lot more speaking up, ain’t nobody going to have a job or money in the end, anyway. “God or Mammon” actually means God or Money. Can’t you see?

Make no mistake, this is a communist takeover by very very powerful people in the world, ironically for our money. All with the devil behind the scenes. They stole the election and took out the only man that had a chance to stand in the way of them and us. And now it’s upon us. We do have time, but not much. Things are going to start happening a bit faster. The devil knows he’s only got so much time left, and he will speed up the evil control more than we’ve ever seen.

And they are now coming for our weapons. Do NOT turn them in or let anyone take them from you, ever. The 1st Amendment is on life support right now, and if we lose the 2nd, it’s game, set, match. And they know it. It’s all calculated by the father of lies, all in the name of love, peace, and safety. When the truth is satan and his followers are the most violent.

We need to keep gathering, keep getting louder and louder, and, more organized than ever before. We are so far behind. Because we cannot allow the devil to divide us anymore. We cannot let the devil get in our heads and think there’s no answer but quitting. We need to be the light. We need to be the children of God that we were born to be. God placed each one of us on the earth at this exact moment to fulfill our missions.

If you are constantly scared or have fear, you’re not living your mission. If you are mocking those who fight for liberty (or say they don’t love for not getting in line with whatever the cultural current is) you’re not living your mission. If you are just unsettled and know there’s more you can do, pray about it. God will show you who you are and how your gifts need to shine.

I sincerely ask this question for people who say they believe in God but that won’t jump off the fence because they are afraid…

How can we be apart of the Kingdom of God in heaven, if we aren’t willing to fight for our small kingdoms here on earth? Especially for our future families. Is this not a test? Is Liberty not the reward? It is. God is Liberty, and Liberty is God. This is a spiritual war on earth preparing us for the Kingdom of God in heaven. Yes, God is a God of War, He is a Warrior! “The Lord is a man of war: The Lord is his name.” Exodus 15:3 He will fight out battles. But He needs us to fight righteous battles. Who’s side are you on? Who were you born to be? Because, “Perhaps you were born for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14