It’s time to turn to God on a deeper level. I’ve been feeling it lately. We aren’t ready. I’m definitely not. But we need to be. Either we do it voluntarily, or compelled. We need to become bold and a humble people. “As wise as serpents and harmless as doves”, just like Jesus was.

I believe Donald Trump “losing” was just a witness to America that not even the strongest fighter since George Washington could do it, and I’m convinced NO man can. We keep looking to Washington DC for the answer, and it’s not there. I’m also convinced that’s what God is trying to tell us. We can’t and won’t have a political savior. We are looking in the wrong places for answers. God is the answer. And WE are the answer with Him. We The People.

With every piece of fake news that comes out, the only possible way to know the truth is to feel it by the Holy Spirit. And when you see the wrong, more importantly FEEL the wrong, that’s the Spirit telling you. And it’s our duty to call it out. All of us. Not just a few of us. Or we will go dark and numb. Calling out the darkness gives you more light. It’s an eternal principle of progression. Speaking the truth.

I understand how scary and fearful it is for many fathers and husbands to say or post online what you truly believe, but are too afraid, because you may lose your job. I understand it too well. And it’s scary. But I want to testify that God will protect your family, even financially. It will be hard at first, but a job is just a job. And chances are you hate your job anyway. Most do. So why sit silent? Can’t you see what’s happening?

We need men’s voices right now. More than ever. Too many women voices are outnumbering the men. It’s embarrassing to watch. Even some of the freedom fighting women are starting to change their last names on social, because they are afraid their husbands will be attacked at their activism. Can you believe we live in a time like this? Where women are fighting more than the men are? All because of fear you will lose money?

Because the bottom line is you believe your job and money are more important than our freedom and Liberty, but I promise you if we don’t hear and see more voices, and I mean a lot more speaking up, ain’t nobody going to have a job or money in the end, anyway. “God or Mammon” actually means God or Money. Can’t you see?

Make no mistake, this is a communist takeover by very very powerful people in the world, ironically for our money. All with the devil behind the scenes. They stole the election and took out the only man that had a chance to stand in the way of them and us. And now it’s upon us. We do have time, but not much. Things are going to start happening a bit faster. The devil knows he’s only got so much time left, and he will speed up the evil control more than we’ve ever seen.

And they are now coming for our weapons. Do NOT turn them in or let anyone take them from you, ever. The 1st Amendment is on life support right now, and if we lose the 2nd, it’s game, set, match. And they know it. It’s all calculated by the father of lies, all in the name of love, peace, and safety. When the truth is satan and his followers are the most violent.

We need to keep gathering, keep getting louder and louder, and, more organized than ever before. We are so far behind. Because we cannot allow the devil to divide us anymore. We cannot let the devil get in our heads and think there’s no answer but quitting. We need to be the light. We need to be the children of God that we were born to be. God placed each one of us on the earth at this exact moment to fulfill our missions.

If you are constantly scared or have fear, you’re not living your mission. If you are mocking those who fight for liberty (or say they don’t love for not getting in line with whatever the cultural current is) you’re not living your mission. If you are just unsettled and know there’s more you can do, pray about it. God will show you who you are and how your gifts need to shine.

I sincerely ask this question for people who say they believe in God but that won’t jump off the fence because they are afraid…

How can we be apart of the Kingdom of God in heaven, if we aren’t willing to fight for our small kingdoms here on earth? Especially for our future families. Is this not a test? Is Liberty not the reward? It is. God is Liberty, and Liberty is God. This is a spiritual war on earth preparing us for the Kingdom of God in heaven. Yes, God is a God of War, He is a Warrior! “The Lord is a man of war: The Lord is his name.” Exodus 15:3 He will fight out battles. But He needs us to fight righteous battles. Who’s side are you on? Who were you born to be? Because, “Perhaps you were born for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14

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