This whole trend happening with the jab and corporations, schools like BYU/Hawaii, Gov facilities, restaurants, some churches (certain stakes), amusement parks, etc, etc, is one of the darkest and most manipulative moves I’ve seen the devil make and society step into, literally with “open arms”.

Yes, it’s worse than the masks. These decisions being forced on people will have life and body altering consequences that NOBODY knows exactly what will happen.

You mean to tell me these people are so power hungry, or sheeple scared that they will lose their higher up jobs, so they are willing to discriminate on free thinking, or conscience driven people who don’t want to become part of the world’s largest experiment in world history?

What happened to choice? What happened to live and let live? What happened to “safe spaces”? What happened to common sense? What happened to hope in God? What happened to belief in the bodies and immune systems He created for us?

If this thing actually worked for them, why are they so afraid if you don’t have it? If it doesn’t work for them, why do they want you to take it?

You don’t do that to people. You don’t force. You don’t use fear. You don’t manipulate. You don’t discriminate. Because that’s what this is, TRUE discrimination.

Make no mistake, this is its own religion. Its own doctrine. Its own church. Based on things “hoped” for, in things definitely not “seen”… With new “scripture” being made up on a daily basis. Let’s talk about “blindly following” all of the “priests of science”…. Let’s talk about what a real cult looks like. The largest cult in human history.

We turned to the wrong God, gang. And I testify that we will suffer for it. No, we are suffering for it. Light is being dimmed because of fear and darkness around the world.

Is Medical freedom not as important as religious freedom? I argue it is. Why? Because if our bodies are our temples, it does matter what is inside of them. Right? It’s one in the same. And if religious organizations don’t start fighting for these principles of freedom and continue to put their faith (literally in the ARM of the FLESH) we will suffer what the scriptures have warned about for thousands of years. Yes, churches can be manipulated by powerful governments, like we just saw with the “shutdowns” by not “allowing” churches not being “Essential” and operate as they should.

Just because church leaders of any denomination decide to do what they believe is best for THEIR own personal bodies, doesn’t mean that’s YOUR’S or your child’s body. No religious leader anywhere forces its members to take vitamins, fruits of vegetables, or even exercise, even as good as they are for you; therefore no religious leader is forcing anyone to take experimental operations to try and stop a cold virus, especially with the survivability rate as high as it is.

I believe just as God is incredibly detailed and calculated spiritually with good, so is the devil with evil. Every square inch of space and time (even in society) is either occupied by God or the devil, by light or darkness, by good or evil. And that occupancy is all determined on YOU and I, and the choices we make. Babylon or Zion. We get to choose. Or do we? Have we really lost that choice?

If we don’t become the light and start using our voices in all of these organizations, and I mean all of them, darkness is going to continue to infiltrate every single square inch of these institutions that’s been built in these latter days. And then it’s game, set, match.

God intended man to be free and have liberty. And you can’t have liberty without morality. And it’s immoral to manipulate behavior based on guesses of the CULTURAL current trends and “science” of the day. Liberty is lost and bondage is inevitable.

Yes, God intended us to be guided back to Him, with our own FREE WILL and choice. He wants us to desperately get back to heaven, but He won’t force us. “Good” cannot be forced, or that quickly turns to evil.

A wise man once said….”We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost ALL men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.”

Be the light. Stand firm. Be bold. It’s God or government.

We cannot serve two masters. It’s our choice.

Watch the documentary, Non-Essential free here