My wife and I pulled up from the gym the other day, and before we got out of the car, she said, “Cute Rachel, she’s not big enough to get the trash in the can.” I looked over and we started laughing. It was Rachel’s day for trash.

I thought how proud I was of our short little 7 year old for even trying.  Stacey has an awesome system going right now to get the kids chores going. Whatever she’s doing I’m not messing with. Even if it costs me money!!

Now, some parents would say this picture is a total failure. I mean look, the bag isn’t all the way in the big trash can, and an empty gallon of milk is on the driveway; the chore isn’t technically done, right?

Then a thought hit me harder. And it’s that so many of us, you and I, somehow think we need to be perfect in order to please our Heavenly Parents. So many truly believe that. That blessings only come when and if we’ve fulfilled 100% perfection in our “chores”. That God will only love us if we are perfectly obedient, all of the time.

There was a point in my life when I actually believed this. And when I would inevitably screw up in the day, I would beat myself up so bad. It was mentally and spiritually exhausting and unhealthy.

But I came to learn something through parenting my own kids.

When God looks down and sees His children just thinking about trying to follow Him, He is smiling. Now can we be better? Always. Does He want us to become better? Absolutely. But why beat ourselves up in the process of becoming? It’s all line upon line. The truth is, God smiles with ANY effort we put in for the Housework here on Earth and in Heaven, even if it’s messy. Just like Stacey and I smiled to see that mess of Rachel’s yesterday. I testify it’s true.

We don’t earn His love, it’s already there.

Effort – Even a little

Announcement to any sitting U.S Senator or Congressman… I propose a Federally mandated bill called the -No More Child or Adolescent Clothing Act of 2020-

No more little clothes (or socks) can be manufactured, sown, made, produced, knitted, etc. for any child under the age of 18, in any store in America- and cannot be imported from any country. Ever.

The only material that can be made is up to seven, one-piece jump suits (per child), color coated to the individual child in the home. They can be handed down from child to child to save money and time.

As a result, parents, child care givers, and housekeepers will be able to keep their sanity, nerves, and no longer have massive panic attacks several times a week.

Upon signature of the President, all little clothes with be burnt forever.

Thank you,

Eric Moutsos

Sorry this needs government intervention

HavenLight Yongsung Kim – The Hand of God Painting – Jesus Reaching Into Water 

My wife recently got this picture for me to put on my nightstand. I love waking up to it as a daily reminder of where to turn. She knows when I’m drowning, and knows Who to turn to for help.

The older I get the more I realize how much help I need each day from heaven. And I mean true help. The more I realize how weak I am. And the more I realize how perfect I’m not. That I’ve been trying to do so much on my own. It’s a trap I fall into to do it all on my own.

Some would say it’s a weakness to realize we are weak. And if you focus on your weakness, it will only make you more weak. Maybe that’s true in a sense if you just put yourself down. But maybe realizing we are weak, and where our weaknesses are, is the key and prerequisite to be ready to actually learn and grow from and in Him. Not grow in the world. “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;” 1 Cor 1:27

I feel because we have it so easy (especially in America) that we inevitably don’t rely on Him for help. It’s too easy to get food, clothes, and shelter. Because all around us is better food, nicer clothes, and bigger homes, etc. The things of the world become our goals. And because of the easiness, we don’t realize how far we can go off track spiritually, until we smack up against a rock of reality. At least this seems to be the pattern that happens with me. I’ll go, then smack. And it hurts.

I believe if we humble ourselves each day and ask for help, true help, God will show us what we can do -whether it’s repentance, or service, or both- and through that process we will find the strength and power beyond our own to keep going with actual peace. Not a fake peace we are so used to. But actual peace and joy and rest, even in harsh realities.

God gives us weaknesses so that we can be humble. And I’ve learned that just when you think you’ve overcome one weakness, He will give you another; or if not give you one, simply SHOW us the next one we had no idea we had in the first place. And it can be gut wrenching.

Sometimes when we find out how weak we really are, we want to just surrender and give up. That’s what the devil wants. He wants to have us isolated so we can surrender our choices to him and his minions to take over our spirts, to sink in the troubled waters. This is his pattern. Get us to sin a little here and a little there, and feel the fake rush, then, leave us alone and start pounding our minds and hearts with the guilt from the very thing he wanted us to partake in. Think of that irony. We hand him the tools he beats us with. And the stronger the sin, the harder he hits.

Now with God, He wants us to give it all to Him; so He can help us, not bash us. Even the ugliest and most repulsive sides of us. He wants to fix those ugly things in us. Because the truth is, He’s already bled and died for the ugliest and most repulsive in each one of us. That’s part of why He came. To pay that price for what we have done, and sadly, what we will do in the future.

So if we are going to surrender and give up in life, why not surrender and give up our lives to God? Besides is there any other way to true peace and rest? Instead of turning to addiction to addiction, gossip to gossip, news to news, game to game, phone app to phone app…. why not turn to Him? This has always been my daily struggle. Surrendering to Him each day to do His will. Not just on Sunday.

Neal A. Maxwell once said, “Being such a premier virtue, submissiveness is not to be mastered in a moment, once and for all. Hence the need for patience on the part of those of us who, while falling short of keeping all the Lords Commandments, truly “seeketh so to do”.

Underneath our rationalizations, usually, is a deep destitution enclosed in profound pride. Pride, at its core, involves a measure of self-worship, however mild. After all, we are to “have no other God” before the real God, including self pleasing and self-worship. If we are really keeping the first commandment, we will worship him sufficiently to want to be more and more like Him.”

And last, and the answer, Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matt 11: 28-30

Does anyone have a child that’s a little too independent and wants to do everything on their own?

Yesterday after succumbing to my 6 year old wanting to eat cup-o-noodles for breakfast, I felt defeated. Then, I tried to justify it. This is an incredibly balanced meal, with like 5 corn kernels, 3 petrified peas, and tiny chewy pieces of cat, I’m sure. Protein right? And Mom wasn’t around to see this go down. So I went for it.

However, I did put my foot down with the idea of her heating the noodles by herself. I didn’t want her dealing with scolding hot water cup-o-noodles needs. That water will melt your face off.

After a huge debacle because she wanted to pour the hot water, and not me, she finally broke down and wouldn’t eat anything. Not sugar cereal, nothing. So I sent her to school upset with a hungry belly and tears down rolling her cheeks. The look she gave me before she left was kinda scary. Almost like “I’m going to get you.”

Hours later I realized I couldn’t find my car keys. I had a sales meeting. I searched forever. Went through the entire house 3 times and nothing. Over and over. Started in a corner and dug through my entire house. I was a sweaty mess. I finally threw up my hands up and asked heaven for help. I then had a thought to call the front desk to summon my 6 year old at school.

“Hi miss so-and-so, is Rachel Moutsos there?, this is her Dad.” “Yes Mr. Moutsos, let me call her to the front desk.”

“Hi Dad” a little voice comes on. “Rachel, do you happen to know where my keys are?” Long pause. “Umm Yes” she said quietly. “Where are they, Rachel?” “Umm in the back of my night stand drawer.” “Why did you put them there, Rachel?” “Because I was mad at you.” Me… very long pause. “Thank you Rachel, please don’t ever do that again okay, I love you.” “Okay Dad, love you, bye.”

After she said I love you, my blood went down to room temperature and I could breath again. I originally was thinking to drive down to the school to scold, but truly, I was so happy to have my keys. And I felt like if I would have scolded her, she would never tell me where they were next time. We now trust each other, right? Plus, if I would have scolded, the look I saw before school showed she would get more revenge. These kids now days plot. These kids will execute. And they will destroy you.

Later today when I see her, I think we will have a nice loving and emotional talk about the consequences and realities of missing important appointments of a strait commission sales job.

Can you imagine what God must think when we dig our heals in when He is just trying to help us? All because He loves us and doesn’t want us to get burned by the scolding hot water predicaments we get ourselves into? Yep. We are all little children.

I’ve just heard of yet another marital affair with someone I know well. This last one really upset me. Is it just me or does anyone else notice more of a trend in this lately?

A few quick questions if you are having an affair or are planning to have one… and I say this with love…

Do you really think you will get away with it?

If the answer is yes, you’re mistaken and lying to yourself. You will get caught. Sooner than later.

And let’s say you somehow get away with it for a year or two, how long until your conscience will catch up to you?

The answer is very quickly once the emotions die down and reality sets in. You can run but you can’t hide. Especially from God, in this life or the next.

And last, do you understand the mental, physical, and spiritual destruction you will or are causing in the lives of people that love you?

There is nothing worse. I would rather see someone I love die physically, than die spiritually. Nothing worse.

I hope this didn’t offend anyone who is working through anything like this in their marriage, it’s not my intent. Families can overcome this devastation. Many do and become stronger. But many many don’t. The consequences are tremendous.

I just want you to know that the few fake seconds of the physical lust you feel isn’t worth ruining your life, or the lives of those around you. Even the long term emotional attachments to one that is not you’re spouse, not worth it. The devil is out full force right now. And nobody is immune. It can happen to anyone.

Love your spouse and be faithful. Even in the hardest and darkest times. The light and love will shine again if you’re both willing.

The good news is God can fix it if we let Him. I know He can. We can never sink lower than His light can reach. It will be a battle, but it’s possible.


Earlier this year, I looked out and saw three little girls walking up to my house before church. I thought “Here we go, it’s 8:15 and the neighborhood kids are already wanting to play?!”

I looked closer and one of the little girls was actually my 6 yr old daughter, Rachel. I found out Rachel had invited two of her neighborhood friends to church. They were even wearing Rachel’s other church dresses from her closet because they all wanted to match. My heart melted.

I’ve never even talked to my kids about inviting people to church. She just did it. We all piled in the van and went.

If only I could have a sliver of the faith my daughter has when it comes to being more Christlike and inviting all to come into Him. Rachel taught me a big lesson today about faith and love. Thank you, Rachel, for helping soften my heart, and renewing my spirit today.

“And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

(Matt 18:2-4)

Jon Romero. Stacey Hamilton Moutsos