(Disclaimer: These are my thoughts alone. It’s not doctrine. I don’t speak for my church. It’s a perspective and view. I could be right, I could be wrong… I’m not your prophet. If you follow my page just to try and dig a pit and use my words/opinions against me, go find a hobby. Thanks.)

Ultimately, and at the root of all of this religious compliance to government, I believe it’s fear, not faith. People fearing the “cures” government is pushing aren’t actually working. Deep down, they know they have been duped. But not allowing their minds to think further. But things aren’t adding up. Turns out it wasn’t just going to be two weeks like a few of us at the very beginning were saying. 

Remember if you were following my page March of 2020? I was saying, “This won’t end until we end it”… People thought I was crazy. Unfortunately the morbidly obedient still think I’m crazy, and the depiction and description below may put things into perspective. 

But what we are seeing is people now getting angry YOU aren’t getting what they got, the $hot. Why? Usually people get angry when they are afraid. It’s what people do. So they start tearing down those around them, how? Blaming them for not complying. 

Compliance is a funny thing; especially when it goes against our own conscience. Because after you betray your conscience and decide to comply with something you know it wrong, the very next “remedy” is justification. You have to justify yourself. But sadly justification comes in form of blaming those who do and say the things you wish you did and said. It’s strange. Think of the irony. Get mad at those who did what you wanted and wished you would do? 

That’s what’s going to continue to happen. 

Sadly all the way to two segregated societies. Actually it’s happening right now in real time. In Europe they won’t even allow you to shop for groceries without the $hot, and this is Godly that comes from heaven? So godsend like that you don’t get to eat unless you take it? Sounds Christlike to me. 

I’ll try to explain how I see it going down…

On one hand I believe we will see one society who will fully rely on the government; and one society who fully rely on God. Not much in between. One group who will listen to everything Governments dictates, and pretend they are good global citizens to the daily made-up cultural commandments, and one who follows conscience; which conscience is the light of Christ, literally Him built into each one of us. The commandments of consciousness. 

Standing on fear based dictates, one after the next? Or holding fast to faith based truth and doctrine? We get to choose. Literally until we come to a place where we kneel before the fake god of this world, or the real God of the universe. 

One society who fully puts their faith in God (and each other) for everything, including maybe one day food in the wilderness (not of this world), and one society just waiting for the next fake dictate to obey. A dictate and “solution” that will never work. Not ever. 

The ones who bow to the false gods of this world are they who will continue to disregard conscience and sink deeper and deeper into the culture of compliance, and sadly end up (pridefully) in principle-less, baseless building, mocking and point fingers of scorn at those who tried to listen to every word that proceedeth forth out of the mouth (WORD of God- Conscience/Christ). 

I believe it’s very possible this “outcast” society of a people will ultimately turn into a United Order type order, all voluntarily sharing with faith; instead of the fake New World Order, forcing their agenda through FEAR, “pride of the world” satanic building. And this society of an order won’t be a specific church. It will be all one group of people following their conscience as well, in other words, following the LIGHT in them. 

Yes, I believe the NWO is now the pride of the world. What’s prideful about it? Well, they aren’t preaching faith in Jesus. They are preaching themselves with fear. And they won’t stop. And make no mistake, this NWO is the very mimic and mock of God’s United Order, that can’t and won’t make it in the end. Every knee will eventually bow down to king of that wicked order. It’s happening now, especially spiritually. 

And because soon the government will intentionally crash the US dollar, which we all know is coming, the digital currency will be the next push for society to “work” and “Unify” with the “collective”, “all in this together” type satanic manipulation. All done with passive aggressive shame, and sadly all done in the name of love and concern. It’s a sickness. Fear is an emotional weapon used by satan.

But see, they won’t “give” the digital currency money to the non-compliant; because it will be based on behavior and obedience. 

I believe the non-compliant will ultimately and literally be kicked out of society. Kicked out of jobs, kicked out of bank accounts, online services, everything. Out. They will be blotted out if the devil’s earthly books. Excommunicated from the devil’s church (Babylon). Which I believe in the end will be a good thing for your salvation in heaven, but a painful thing for our departure from Babylon. Think of Christ’s life. He too was “cancelled” in His day. 

But you think we are divided now? Just wait for what’s coming once the resources are manipulated to make it look like there’s not enough to go around. 

These two ways will be divided with a very large gap; a gap where if you fell in, you could be lost forever. It’s why there can’t be compromise on conscience. It’s why obedience to anything but conscience/Christ/the WORD of God will be deadly spiritually, and most likely physically. 

I believe the non-compliant and the underground trading system they create in the “wilderness”, away from all the buildings, where everyone is holding fast to their conscience, will be the only way back to liberty being restored into society. Literally clinging tight to the WORD of God (Christ) which was built into every man, woman, and child. 

Is not the conscience inside of us what will lead us back to God? The light of Christ? Yes, because conscience is God. It’s God inside of us. In the beginning was the WORD. And the WORD was God. And the WORD became flesh. And the WORD is Jesus Christ, the beginning and the end. And Christ is built inside of you!

God or government? We get to choose.

I’ll bet I’ve received over 200-300 messages in the last year from people saying things like “Eric, I love your stuff, but I just can’t post because I work for a major corporation!!” Etc etc etc … 

Do you guys not understand where this is going? 

Do you not understand the only businesses soon be operating will be big corporations like Walmart and Amazon ran by the government? 

Do you not understand this is an attack on small business and the US economy? They know if America falls, the world will fall. Everything depends on us, right now. And I mean you and I. 

Do you not understand if we don’t all stand up now, there won’t be an option for later? 

You won’t have a job to try and save. 

You’ll be a slave being forced to act on false doctrines (the Babylonian cult)  in order to try and feed your family. 

Just because we are seeing a little hibernation of tyranny, doesn’t mean a thing other than the next plan being put into place to control you and your family. 

Do you think evil sleeps? Do you think the devil will stop? 

Please don’t send me messages like that anymore. 

I grieve when I see that your “job” is more important than the freedom and liberty you’re stripping away from the future posterity of America. 

Wake up, stand up, and speak up. Your voice matters more than you’ll ever know.

Spencer Cox just killed women sports in Utah. He wouldn’t sign a bill to protect real women athletes. But he sure got his national headlines he wanted with his daily manipulative pretend tears.

This is NOT an “anti trans” bill. This bill would have protected actual women. But Spencer Cox doesn’t care about real women. He would rather have a few men dressed like woman, dominate real women in sports, to get the praise of the world. He said, “When you spend time with these kids, it changes your heart in important ways.” What a disgusting politician USING the LGBTQ people AND real women.

Remember this is the same person who admitted to bullying gay people in school. Who does that? A bully who used LGBT people then, and a bully using them NOW. All for votes. All for him.And let’s talk about the real war on women. This is it. The decades of work to protect the rights of women, cancelled overnight by a “conservative God fearing Governor” in the great state of Utah.

No, I don’t think he HATES women, I just believe he loves himself so so much more. This is all about Spencer Cox and how he’s seen to the world, in other words, seen to the wrong god. There is something up with this dude behind the scenes. What a creep.

Has anyone else noticed who the dark and fierce cultural “leaders” are turning into the enemies? Who are now the “bad guys” in the world’s eyes?

We are one of the only dispensations that have most, if not ALL of the written records relating to how civilizations were ultimately destroyed because of wickedness and corruption. God let us know most everything. Literally handed it all to us. This is not to mention any and all sources of information in the palm of our hands (phones), and we still don’t seem to get it; even with all the combined scriptures possible. 

I’m not just talking about scriptures about love and heaven, but unfortunately about the pain it takes to arrive in a heavenly state; things like overcoming sin, continual repentance, heartache, forgiveness, and the Eternal hell some will remain in, if they don’t choose to move forward toward the light. Being “Damned” simply means being stopped in progression. 

Further, these scriptures include wars that must be fought, spiritually and physically; These scriptures talk about the fight for freedom and liberty, corrupt as hell governments, “secret combinations”, death, control, fear, evil, and how the father of lies is behind it all. 

Even further, these scriptures (along with living prophets) show and tell we are near the final battles between good and evil, right before the Lord returns to GATHER everyone together; and when the devils (and their followers) will be DIVIDED and SCATTERED, into the darkness for 1000 years. The devil will always divide and God will always gather. Always.

How can we as Christians (whether LDS or another denomination) fully read scripture patterns of corruption and warning voices, written for our current day, knowing Christ is about to come, AND ALSO somehow believe the current government, politicians, “scientists”, and mainstream media have our best interests in mind? 

In other words, if the corrupt government and deep-state media AREN’T the enemy for the final days against the church before Christ comes, who then is the enemy? 

If Hollywood, most giant corporations, many professional athletes, colleges, who are all calling for “unity”, but in reality preaching true discrimination and segregation, especially towards believers, again who then is the enemy in the last days? 

Is it the Christian’s who are standing up to the ways of the world? Is it Christian who chooses to finally say “I’ve had enough!” .. “I’m going to speak out for my country!” Is that the people the scriptures warned everyone about that would attack the Latter Day Saints? The “fringe” patriots? The “crazy conspiracy theorists” who actually believe the scriptures? The loons who claim they can see spiritually what’s happening? 

The ONLY ones willing to fight for freedoms, while the very loud mouths who mock, and don’t understand they are using that God given right that will soon be ripped away by an agenda who doesn’t want anyone to speak in the end, except for the devil himself? 

Is it the people who are putting their lives and jobs on hold, yelling at the tops of our lungs, being cancelled out-of-society for DEFENDING the Constitution? Are they the enemy? Because it seems so. Those who believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights? 

The people who express openly the crazy idea that a marriage between a man and a woman is sacred and holy, and no other pattern can operate in the highest part of heaven? Are they the enemy? 

The radical idea that killing a baby in the most sacred and holy place on earth, the mother’s womb, may just be an evil thing for everyone involved, dead or alive? Are those the dark enemies the scriptures talk about? The ones standing on the walls taking arrows trying to protect life? 

Because clearly groups like the Democratic Party aren’t dangerous at all. The party who will clearly do ANYTHING to take the power. 

The party who uses the BLM “movement” to hijack over 95% of all the funds coming to the organization, ironically ran by very rich white politicians who need to keep minorities down, by preaching how being a victim is the only way to survive. They can’t be the enemy! They are just helping. 

The party who kills millions of babies in the womb; the party that pushes socialism, the party that divides people into classes, shames anyone who disagrees with them, destroys families by government incentives to stay single, cancels real women, destroys bold conservative truthful women, confuses our God given identity into a smoorgasbord of 65 genders, uses women and minorities as pawns to appear diverse, when in reality they are the true racists and sexists and bigots. 

No, this group sounds like ticket that will get us straight into the kingdom of God, right? Oh wait, they also cancelled God over the years. There’s no way they are the enemy. Not possible. 

The bottom line is we are being deceived by satan on every level in society. Including by church owned media sources like the Deseret News, who use the church’s good name for their dark political agenda, whoever is behind the scenes. It’s sick.

We truly do live in the last days where “good will be evil and evil good.” So who is it? Who’s the reason why God’s anger is kindled for in the last days? 

The honest and scared man and woman standing up and speaking right now, even if they get fired or shamed by family and friends, OR the very corrupt world government “leaders” (and their wicked civilian mob armies, along with the wicked MSM) who, at every chance they can, will grab for more control and money? Who is the enemy? 

The ones scrambling backwards on defense trying to protect their jobs and homes and children, OR could it just be the perpetrators pushing forward with lie after lie after lie in every possible way to take our freedoms and Liberties? 

Who is the enemy? 

The good news is God isn’t the enemy, and He wins in the end. I testify if we just keep trying to listen to the light inside of our souls (our conscience) it will lead us directly back to Him.

It’s time to turn to God on a deeper level. I’ve been feeling it lately. We aren’t ready. I’m definitely not. But we need to be. Either we do it voluntarily, or compelled. We need to become bold and a humble people. “As wise as serpents and harmless as doves”, just like Jesus was.

I believe Donald Trump “losing” was just a witness to America that not even the strongest fighter since George Washington could do it, and I’m convinced NO man can. We keep looking to Washington DC for the answer, and it’s not there. I’m also convinced that’s what God is trying to tell us. We can’t and won’t have a political savior. We are looking in the wrong places for answers. God is the answer. And WE are the answer with Him. We The People.

With every piece of fake news that comes out, the only possible way to know the truth is to feel it by the Holy Spirit. And when you see the wrong, more importantly FEEL the wrong, that’s the Spirit telling you. And it’s our duty to call it out. All of us. Not just a few of us. Or we will go dark and numb. Calling out the darkness gives you more light. It’s an eternal principle of progression. Speaking the truth.

I understand how scary and fearful it is for many fathers and husbands to say or post online what you truly believe, but are too afraid, because you may lose your job. I understand it too well. And it’s scary. But I want to testify that God will protect your family, even financially. It will be hard at first, but a job is just a job. And chances are you hate your job anyway. Most do. So why sit silent? Can’t you see what’s happening?

We need men’s voices right now. More than ever. Too many women voices are outnumbering the men. It’s embarrassing to watch. Even some of the freedom fighting women are starting to change their last names on social, because they are afraid their husbands will be attacked at their activism. Can you believe we live in a time like this? Where women are fighting more than the men are? All because of fear you will lose money?

Because the bottom line is you believe your job and money are more important than our freedom and Liberty, but I promise you if we don’t hear and see more voices, and I mean a lot more speaking up, ain’t nobody going to have a job or money in the end, anyway. “God or Mammon” actually means God or Money. Can’t you see?

Make no mistake, this is a communist takeover by very very powerful people in the world, ironically for our money. All with the devil behind the scenes. They stole the election and took out the only man that had a chance to stand in the way of them and us. And now it’s upon us. We do have time, but not much. Things are going to start happening a bit faster. The devil knows he’s only got so much time left, and he will speed up the evil control more than we’ve ever seen.

And they are now coming for our weapons. Do NOT turn them in or let anyone take them from you, ever. The 1st Amendment is on life support right now, and if we lose the 2nd, it’s game, set, match. And they know it. It’s all calculated by the father of lies, all in the name of love, peace, and safety. When the truth is satan and his followers are the most violent.

We need to keep gathering, keep getting louder and louder, and, more organized than ever before. We are so far behind. Because we cannot allow the devil to divide us anymore. We cannot let the devil get in our heads and think there’s no answer but quitting. We need to be the light. We need to be the children of God that we were born to be. God placed each one of us on the earth at this exact moment to fulfill our missions.

If you are constantly scared or have fear, you’re not living your mission. If you are mocking those who fight for liberty (or say they don’t love for not getting in line with whatever the cultural current is) you’re not living your mission. If you are just unsettled and know there’s more you can do, pray about it. God will show you who you are and how your gifts need to shine.

I sincerely ask this question for people who say they believe in God but that won’t jump off the fence because they are afraid…

How can we be apart of the Kingdom of God in heaven, if we aren’t willing to fight for our small kingdoms here on earth? Especially for our future families. Is this not a test? Is Liberty not the reward? It is. God is Liberty, and Liberty is God. This is a spiritual war on earth preparing us for the Kingdom of God in heaven. Yes, God is a God of War, He is a Warrior! “The Lord is a man of war: The Lord is his name.” Exodus 15:3 He will fight out battles. But He needs us to fight righteous battles. Who’s side are you on? Who were you born to be? Because, “Perhaps you were born for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14

This has been on my mind the last several days and I’ve been trying to spiritually see the devils tactics (or intent) when it comes to all of the force and fear regarding the cancel culture that’s taking place right now. Literally anyone they disagree with, removed from society as they see fit. From the President of the United States of America, to a Disney celebrity with a different opinion, to a school teacher who believes in the Constitution. Gone. Cancelled. Over. This is where we are America. And if we don’t ALL stand up for speech, we will ALL fall together in every different idea we once had.

I hope my words can properly convey what I believe is happening spiritually. Yes, I can be wrong, but this is how I see it.

God has always used symbols of love and Eternal significance, while and the devil will use them with hate, force, and fear, all in the name of love. Taking God’s symbols, turning them upside down (like the cross for example) in mockery. Symbols are important because we can see who’s behind it. For example, God uses a wedding ring to signify one Eternal round with your eternal companion. The devil sends signs and symbols of just the opposite.

The mask for example (I believe) is an evil sign of silence, fear, control, submission, and ultimately, the loss of individually. Do you think you will have an identity in hell? Do you think you’ll even be called by your name? I don’t think people realize, but in hell, satan literally runs and operates an entire kingdom; and whoever is with him will be a literal slave to the devil himself; and he will “seal you his”, says modern scripture. And no, you won’t be able to talk or have free speech. You will be divided and segregated. You will be controlled. There is no such thing as the Bill of Rights in the kingdom of hell, especially with the father of lies. The only rights you’ll have are the right to be silent, always, and all things will be held against you, guilty or innocent. You will become a number, without a name, called by your sins.

This is why I believe Ezra Taft Benson said, “Stand up for freedom no matter the cost, it can help to save your soul- and maybe your country.” God is not only a God of peace, hope, and love, but a God who wins wars, spiritual and physical wars. Yes, God is a warrior. And yes, the Bible tells us this, “The Lord is a man of war: The Lord is his name.” Exodus 15:3- And No, he doesn’t lose. So why are we? Do you really believe we are to become more like Christ by simply being “nice” because we don’t want to offend people? Why did Christ hang on the cross? Was it because He was being politically correct? No. Just the opposite.

After resurrection, I believe hell is a literal place, a literal world, in a literal dark and cold solar system, light-years away from any type of warmth, from any type of sun. Yes, hell is as real as heaven, physically and spiritually. Except it’s the exact opposite of heaven. Instead of forever Eternal choices living with a liberated God, there will be a forever forced damnation stuck in a cell where every single decision is made for you by the devil himself. And guess what? Some souls will actually want it. The God of Liberty or the god of forced Government programs that pretend to unite and save, when all they do is divide and kill. And sadly we are watching people choose mammon. That’s hell.

See now in hell, I can envision many of the strange cultish characteristics of what we are seeing today, multiplied by 1000. For example, 6x6x6 social distancing, arrows on the ground in stores, all in masks that can’t stop an airborne virus (and or having their faces hidden) race wars, fake victim mentality, you name it, it’s there. It’s the same pattern. Do you think the devil is going to give you more freedom the closer you get to his kingdom?

I don’t believe people will wear masks in hell because of a virus, no, I’ll bet because everyone will be so ashamed of themselves they won’t dare reveal their own faces, ironically still trying to save-face from their wicked and destructive lives they lived. Remember, hell is not just for just “sinning”, like we all do, I mean the hell prepared for wicked wicked people who absolutely know what they are doing is evil, and don’t care, because of self-interest/selfishness. Including many politicians and influential people who keep the fake flames going. From Abortion to every other deadly sins.

Why I believe the mask is on everyone’s mind (and clearly faces) and won’t stop being talked, is because it’s absolutely part of the spiritual battle on both sides of the veil. It’s just a c continuation of the mark of the beast, not being able to buy or sell without this mark spoken of in Revelation 11:13: and 17. And we failed as a society bowing down to it the way we did. No thoughts. No questions. We just did it. All for what? A 99.991% survivability rate?

Think how many times the word “mask” has been used vs. the name Jesus Christ this last year. How many times Corona, or virus, or “stay safe”, vs. talking about God’s healing power? It’s an incredibly sad and awful situation we’ve put ourselves in. And unfortunately we’re even seeing many religious leaders (from all denominations) reciting back TV talking points, instead of preaching the Word of God. Ironically not putting much effort in pointing anyone to Christ, but listening to a wild and out-of-control government, because they clearly know what’s best with each and every evil rule they make up for the day. Again, who IS the answer to all of this? God or government? And it can’t be both.

And how do we know these things? Because God gave us the scriptures so we don’t make the same mistakes. From Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, to Christ Himself. All in battle with the same spiritual war, with the same players, using the same type governments for more control. The only difference for us is more energy is being exerted in the last days because millions of souls are forced to pick a team on both sides of the veil. And energy inside of a single soul, whether dark or light, matters in this war. Joseph Fielding Smith once said, “Satan has control now. No matter where you look, he is in control, even in our own land. He is guiding the governments as far as the Lord will permit him. That is why there is o much strife, turmoil, and confusion all over the earth. One master mind is governing the nations. It is not the president of the United States; it is not Hitler; it is not Mussolini; it is not the king or government of England or any other land; it is Satan himself.”

When I was a police officer doing my investigations, intent meant a lot to me. From speeding to an assault. I would always try to get down to the bottom of the WHY people were doing what they were doing. We can learn a lot about people when we get down to the WHY; the motivation, the drive, and more importantly the intent. 

And when we can see certain politicians and very influential community leaders (including faith based leaders) stay silent and just going with the sweeping cultural current, we are witnessing the very harvest of the wheat and the tares, with the very elect of God being deceived. Even with the best intentions in the world. Didn’t it all start our with a war in heaven? So would that war be stronger or weaker today? Is the devil relaxing in the last days? Or has he upped his game 100 fold?

If the government would have not forced what they forced on society, would churches have set their own rules with masks and social distancing? In other words, were these mandated fearful made-up daily rules inspired by God? If the government tomorrow said mask don’t work, and social distancing and isolation makes it worse, would churches continue to mask up and preach isolation instead of gathering with immune systems God gave us to live and function? No they wouldn’t. All would be open. So again, is it inspired to be controlled to what a health department says? Where are the spiritual marching orders coming from? God or the devil? Fear or faith? Because there is only two ways of influence. Nothing is by chance.

Going back to why I even started this post, cancel culture is absolutely lead (and will end in hell) by the devil himself, because he is the biggest bigot, the most intolerant, the least loving, in all of the universe. And he wants to cancel not only God, but you too, literally. To where you have no soul, like him. Not just in society, but throughout eternity. He wants to reduce you down to where he is, then leave you with nothing behind, including a soul filled with any amount of truth and light. He can’t stand if someone has a different opinion than him. Therefore he will keep silencing people until he is the only one left standing, and all the dark and wicked end up kneeling down to their prince of darkness. Which is interesting, because it’s just another jealous mimic/mock of what it will be like when those who choose heaven, voluntarily kneel in complete reverence and love, to the King of Kings, our God and Rock, Jesus Christ. A knee will be taken one way or another.

Cancel culture is a sign and symbol of fear and control and leads to hell. It’s evil. It’s fear based. It’s dark. It’s wrong. It’s Unconstitutional. It’s everything that America is not, or at least what it should be. And if every single free voice (left and right side of politics) doesn’t start defending the 1st Amendment, I promise as God as my witness, ALL will be canceled and crushed when we don’t bow to the next phase of the this satanic NWO takeover. Because that’s exactly what it is. And though satan might be proud of himself for the force and fear driven kneeling of just about the entire world, the tables will turn, the chess move to checkmate will be played by The Chess master, even God himself, and every knee and tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. And as a constant sinner who continues to stumble and fall everyday, I choose to keep getting up and put on the armor of God every single day, as weak as I am. Because I know God will fight our battles if we just let Him, but we have to have faith (action) in order to receive the blessings of Liberty. There is no other way.

Remember to text the word “Liberty” to 888-210-6260 just in case I’m cancelled on social media. I won’t spam your phone and you can “cancel” at anytime.