I’ll bet I’ve received over 200-300 messages in the last year from people saying things like “Eric, I love your stuff, but I just can’t post because I work for a major corporation!!” Etc etc etc … 

Do you guys not understand where this is going? 

Do you not understand the only businesses soon be operating will be big corporations like Walmart and Amazon ran by the government? 

Do you not understand this is an attack on small business and the US economy? They know if America falls, the world will fall. Everything depends on us, right now. And I mean you and I. 

Do you not understand if we don’t all stand up now, there won’t be an option for later? 

You won’t have a job to try and save. 

You’ll be a slave being forced to act on false doctrines (the Babylonian cult)  in order to try and feed your family. 

Just because we are seeing a little hibernation of tyranny, doesn’t mean a thing other than the next plan being put into place to control you and your family. 

Do you think evil sleeps? Do you think the devil will stop? 

Please don’t send me messages like that anymore. 

I grieve when I see that your “job” is more important than the freedom and liberty you’re stripping away from the future posterity of America. 

Wake up, stand up, and speak up. Your voice matters more than you’ll ever know.

1 reply
  1. MerrHeLL says:

    I have been censored and cancelled. I was in facebook and twitter jail so many times I finally deleted them. There are no great alternatives but I don’t miss having to defend the truth and the time it took to do so on those platforms. I will be working to try to hold the facebook and twitter frauds accountable for the deceptions and manipulations they perpetrated on the 2020 elections. Covering up for Hunter, using the Coronavirus to harm president Trump. Such evil has not occurred before in my lifetime. I keep up with Dinesh D’sousa and Dan Bongino on Rumble and their podcasts. Easily sharing ideas with friends and family is now hard without being part of the other platforms. Facebook and Twitter must lose their platform exemptions from scrutiny because they have used their power to manipulate opinion and the news.

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