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42 replies
  1. Bill LeBrave says:

    banning guns in California makes sense, especially when they are releasing convicts from their jails. So, what is the solution? Simple, solitary confinement of the law abiding citizens.

  2. L. A. M. says:

    Thank you, Ms Liz! Please don’t ever stop telling us your viewers, how the lame stream media stopped being “ journalists “ for decades now!

  3. Bill Pfld says:

    One America News! Wish ALL Americans would watch this network for a week. Msm is so bought and payd for they're painfully pathetic! Even Fox has began to succome to the devil's ways so thank you ONE AMERICA NEWS for putting the truth over opinions!!

  4. Duane Bettger says:

    It's getting real close for patriots to bear arms against a tyrannical government that the Constitution gives the right and obligation to the people when their rights are being infringed upon by that government.

  5. gorman1 says:

    wow Santa Clara just a mere 76-77% away from herd immunity! In relieved…we should have it by 2023 then…good only 3-5 more waves of this shit.No the CFR is irrelevant,… I know, even many of the doctors dont get it….but it is the R nought that matters…the ab incidence supports the high R nought…which is proof quarantine was nec…I love u guys but you completely miss the significance of the ab test.

  6. Bertrand Ruskin says:

    OAN is one of the very few truthful and honest western sources of reporting on the internet. Keep it up, the ratings don't matter as much as honesty. Hopefully, you can branch out one day and give news worldwide.

  7. The White Community says:

    Every illegal alien in California who received assistance (state tax money) was listed with a name and residential address. Thank you Gov for updating the contact information for I.C.E. agents.

  8. m4xfl4xst4r says:

    you need to revisit the veracity of that study. The authors of the article are the principles of the study, a GROSS conflict of interest as they are espousing the quality of their own data and results.
    You and the media are being played.

  9. Dean E says:

    Hey Liz, they're screwing with your likes icon. I clicked on it several times, wouldn't go. Finally had to hold down on it for about 5 seconds for it to recognize my hitting it.

  10. Wilhelm Geisler says:


  11. Roger Lindsay says:

    if you are testing properly you can to the truth but you are not and your bullshit is unreal but Judas always sells OUT FOR MONEY WHAT IS YOUR PRICE

  12. Gus Clark says:

    The economic damage was not unintended; it was the object of the exercise. All socialists hate prosperity that comes from work and enterprise; all they understand is the handout, the kickback and the bribe – oh, and theft by the name of taxation. There should be some kind of test for socialist antibodies done at college level; if you don't have immunity to socialism, you don't get a vote and can't stand for office. Oh, and you get taxed at the highest rate, regardless of income. Live by the sword…

  13. derek ray says:

    So…, what are you saying? You don't 'not report' stuff? You don't lie? You don't slant 'facts' to your favor? Come on.., who do ya think yer foolin? You're just another player in the same antiquated game of BS journalism. Yawn….

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