
According to reports, no one actually knows how many restaurants in New York City have stayed closed during the pandemic. One America’s Caitlin Sinclair has more from New York.

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49 replies
  1. mike mathews says:

    The Democrats economic policy of failure is a 90% successful just to get them back in power to get President Trump out of office and do further damage to the people who need the most help.Democrats are just plain evil.

  2. Jenn H. says:

    Not only that food isnt as good when you cant keep it in good rotation. These restaurants are gone forever. Times Square looks like gotham city. Dallas BBQ there told me they wont open until january. This is intentional for the govt to completely control the food supply

  3. butch otey says:

    What in God's name is it going to take for the people to STOP voting Democrat? Based on actual statistics, virtually every single city that is a disaster zone is controlled by Democrats. Electing a Democrat is like volunteering to have a terminal cancer. Wake up people!!!

  4. Michael Downes says:

    If deBlasio ts seen in public, throw something at him , or if you don't want to get punished just shoot him from afar==it must be the virus messed with my brain==it was an accident !!

  5. Robert Johnson says:

    And yet there was no reason to shut anything down, the science shows that this virus is less deadly to working age people than the regular flu, all the shut down's did was make it last longer, if they don't open everything up soon they will never have anything to open up, democrats are just playing political games.

  6. YONATAN C says:

    Joe Biden has proven himself to be a bigot and a racist, with remarks he has made on countless occasions to the press about Black Americans. He and his former administration has done very little if anything for our community. The Democratic Party has taken our community and our vote for granted for decades now. They have taken our vote and our blinded support of their party as a matter of fact. They don't care about our cities or our communities.They have done nothing about the black on black killings, taking place on a daily basis.The Democrats have sat idly by while their Antifa supporters and Black Lives Matter thugs, continue to burn down black owned businesses , churches, and even desecrated statues of Jesus Christ. They have continued to defend these extremist terrorist groups; calling them "peaceful protesters", instead of what they really are, which are radical socialists, and anarchists, bent on destroying our country and our democracy.The Democratic Party likes for us Black Americans to remain silent, and to remain on their Democratic plantation, and to tow the party line, and keep our mouths shut about the reality of their politics. Malcolm X once said that the most dangerous group of racists, were the White Liberals. He said this because he knew how they try to manipulate the Black community, and how they try to make us dependent on them for our very lives. Well, my life means more to me than that people… I'm breaking the chains of the democratic party, and taking myself and my family, off their plantation, into freedom. I'm voting for Trump this year.The Democrats can not be trusted or respected any longer

  7. J D says:

    NYC is done. Wealthy people, restaurant owners, business owners and anyone who wants a bright future is fleeting and finding better options:TX, NC, SC & FL.

  8. Craig Schultz says:

    According to CDC data, COVID-19 has infected ~5.5 million with a death rate of less than 2%, if one removes the deaths from the stats of senior citizens sentenced to die by 5 Democrat Governors. Even including the murders for political gain, the death rate is ~3%.

    The most recent flu season saw ~19 million infections with an actual death rate of ~7%.

    Do the math.

  9. UR Nemesis says:

    De Bla bla and Q tip(como) are epic screw ups. Probably the worst example on the planet of a city manging c19. The fact that they have not been run out of New York State already is baffling to me. It shows how deep the leftists roots are in this area of the country. The nursing home scandal alone should see Cuomo in federal court on criminal charges. Thousands dead on that alone. How can this dude actually sleep at night seriously

  10. John Lowell says:

    NYC is finished the Socialist agenda has crimpled it more than the COVID Virus. The NY stock exchange is thinking about moving. New York is infected with the Left it will go the way of Caracas Venezuela.

  11. Evan Koch says:

    Taking away from restaurants their right to serve customers INDOORS and allowing OUTDOOR only is great for the business. They THRIVE with restrictions like that.

  12. mo zack says:

    The president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko never ordered a lockdown and left it up to the people if they want to close their businesses. Yet he's considered to be a ruthless dictator.

  13. JimmyFoxhound says:

    Careful, if you say anything about how terrible things are in NYC Jerry Seinfeld will pen a scathing op-ed ripping you guys from his mansion in the Hamptons

  14. Charles Bonanno says:

    I kinda doubt that. Unless the restaurant owner wants to have trouble with any number of relevant licensing bureaus, and the IRS, the best advice is to surrender whatever buisness licenses you have a second ( slight exageration ) after you kick your ex-employees out, and lock the doors forever. There are no buisness licences hanging on the walls of empty buildings, and it doesn't take a NASA mathematician working for the city to count a pile of surrendered buisness licenses.

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