
The White House celebrated the inauguration of the USMCA deal with a visit from the Mexican president. One America’s Chanel Rion spoke with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross about the trade agreement.

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24 replies
  1. Prisoner Zero says:

    Well several issues have popped up.
    1)The Judge that just shutdown Obama's Pipeline all because Obama ok'd the route thru the Indian Burial ground.
    2)The Huawei affair. China and Canada are having words over what first appeared to be our problem turned out to be that most of the World is upset with Hauwei and China.
    3)Congress isn't moving forward on the deals
    4)Canada has become an oppressive country.
    5)Kathy Griffin threatened to move to Canada
    6)Obamacare denies Canadians Coverage

  2. Daniel Gonzalez says:

    Trudeau should go to Mexico and dress in various Mariachi outfits with his family for photo ops in front of various Aztec ruins! I don't think he will get the same reaction he got in India.


  3. tbwpiper says:

    Justa True Dolt is one of those petty, infantile, vapid, and spoiled rotten rich pubescents who couldn't find his own arse with two hands and a map. He's told by his vicious and cowardly hidden liberal backers to hate President Trump because that's what liberals are supposed to do. He has absolutely no mind of his own and thus follows orders like the vapid automaton he is. He, through the majority of Canadian voters, has the power to really hurt Canada and will in a heartbeat since it won't ever affect him personally. I hold the liberal voter in Canada responsible for all that we have suffered and will suffer as a nation and can only pray to God that President Trump's legendary vindictiveness when attacked personally won't be leveled at those in Canada who appreciate him for his love of country and fairness to humanity. But True Dolt will do all he can to undo the once very special and exclusive relationship Canada had with the United States. We were once true friends and neighbors and shared our wealth among one another. But now, more irreparable damage is to come. All I ask for is that the idiots who thought this done-nothing dangerous fool as qualified to lead a nation will get hurt more than the rest of us. I also acknowledge that they'll be too stupid to recognize it.

  4. leos rule says:

    Canada is a tool of the EU because it is (or was) a British & French colony/territory.
    The EU loved NAFTA & TPP because it benefitted them.
    If the EU tells Trudeau to jump, he will reply "how high". They tell him to act up and make Trump look bad – even against something that will benefit Canada – Trudeau says "no problem".

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