One thing I need to make clear is my love and admiration for the good men and women in blue who put their life on the line everyday.

I know telling some of my old police stories can seem to put police in a bad light at times. This is not ever my intent. It’s the broken political system I try to bring to light. I believe one of the biggest problems in LE today is not the regular line-officer who signed up to serve and protect, but mostly police leadership who are run by bad political leaders above them. Bad culture and pressure from the top down. And this is to say nothing about how many laws we have on the books.

Chiefs who are literally ordered (decision by decision) by mayors with a deep distain toward police, but still want the police budgets and protection it brings to the city. Mayors who have now become the police by running the police, then whip the officers when they enforce their type of policing. See the irony?

Mayors who badmouth guns, but yet hire officers from the agency personally protect them 24/7. Then, will quickly throw the officers under the bus if the officer needs to make a split second decision that may look bad on a two dimensional camera. See the irony?

It’s called having your cake and eating it, too. It doesn’t work. And the “leaders” of most PD’s buckle under the pressure (every single time) to keep their status and paycheck. That’s the truth. Most are not true leaders.

Just because there’s some things I believe need to change (like very limited government to begin with) doesn’t mean I’m at all anti-police. Limited government doesn’t mean no government. In fact, I’m pro-good policing. Yes, it’s possible. I have too many stories to count where I know I was there to save and protect life. Truly serving and protecting. There was nothing better. And just because I offer my ideas doesn’t mean I’m always right. I’m just one man with one opinion.

But to you who are truly anti-cop..

Who are you going to call when you or your family gets hit by a drunk driver?Who are you going to call when riots break out and the streets and your business windows are broken? Or when your nice pretty iphone or property gets stolen out of your hands? Or your identity gets taken? Who will you call if you or your family gets physically assaulted (or worse) and you want justice? Who? That’s right, you will call the police for help. And they will help. Even if you hate them.

The truth is we need the American Police Officer. I should say Peace Officers. We need the thin blue line in society. But more importantly we need The People to get engaged in the voting process to elect moral leaders in their cities and counties who are going to allow the police to truly serve and protect with discretion. Leaders who try and understand natural law and the proper role of government. Not leaders who try to grow more government with more police that they hate. That’s where true change can happen. With you and me.

To you who are currently serving in law enforcement and truly care about the people you serve and protect. Again, I love you and I back you. I’m sorry if some of my police stories put you in a bad light. Keep up the good work you do and stay safe.