I believe Martin Luther King Jr. would have loved the idea that ALL LIVES MATTER more than the idea of very divisive slogans that promote one race of people over another. Or that another race should feel “sorrow” for what America was like years ago. He just wanted to make it actually equal. And he came as close as it could be with the movement he created.

I believe Martin Luther King Jr. would have applauded the day (which we live) where millions of Americans watch and borderline worship black athletes and celebrities across the nation. What else could be the pinnacle of achievement and equality then by electing a black President of the United States, not once, but twice?

I believe Martin Luther King Jr. would have loved the idea that men and women, of all races and backgrounds, should work hard for their positions in school and corporate America; vs being used, promoted, and placed as political paws in some of these organizations, just to show how “diverse” the school/corporation pretends to be; a very sorry and ironic form of racism and sexism not very many people pick up on.

In fact, he said it best when he explained we should “not judge someone by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”. I believe what he meant, is not talking about one race over another. I believe what he meant, again, was NOT to USE people of color and or gender for the affirmative show and virtue signal that seems to not stop.

I believe Martin Luther King Jr would have stood for life. Especially the lives of millions of babies of ALL races, who were slaughtered in the womb each year. Over 42 million worldwide in 2020. Thank you Martin Luther King Jr for paving the way to REAL diversity in America. A war that was won 60 years ago. But unfortunately a war that has somehow crept back in from the very people who were liberated decades ago. Thank you for paving the way for America to truly be the most diverse country in the world. Not the fake manufactured and manipulated way, but the REAL way. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” -Martin Luther King

I believe Martin Luther King Jr. would have created another movement in 2021, and it’s not a movement that would be popular today, either.

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