Meet Jack Wilson, the man who slew the not-so-bright potential Goliath who entered a Texas church yesterday morning, and was subsequently shot in the face from about 15 yards, give or take. (update: Bad guy was a drum roll…. convicted felon who shouldn’t have been allowed to own a gun.)

Jack Wilson

But does the face really need to be talked about, and how far he was? The answer is absolutely yes to both. Why?

As a former law enforcement officer, these details matter. When we would do our quarterly trainings and qualifications, we would start out at the 25 yard mark. Officers could typically choose how to position their bodies to get these shots off. Most of us would choose to lay down because it was a lot easier to hit a headshot with stability. And that was still hard. It became easier to hit the target as the qualification came to an end, but anyone who shoots a handgun, knows. And shooting a handgun is a perishable skill. Personally, I would have went for center mass because of how hard a head shot is at that distance.

He clearly was the man for this particular job.

Reports are coming in that Jack Wilson was a firearms instructor; could there be anyone more qualified to stop such a threat? Probably not. Because a firearms instructor is usually more proficient with a handgun than most cops; this is what they do.

Further, I love how the MSM isn’t talking about the four other church goers who were locked and loaded as well.

I am very grateful for Jack Wilson and what he did yesterday. He not only saved dozens of lives, but showed America what’s supposed to happen when a mini- Goliath enters the scene. They are to be slain. And further, taught us that anyone in this country can be proficient with the God given right they have to carry a gun.

We as Americans are the first responders. Never forget that.
Thank you, Jack. God bless you and the congregation who witnessed what they should have never witnessed in an American church.

Former LEO, Eric Moutsos

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