
Authorities in Seattle are giving up ground to violent extremists who have illegally annexed several blocks of city land. The radical left-wing mayor of the city seems content to let the militants simply take over. One America’s Pearson Sharp explains.

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48 replies
  1. Superrandomz says:

    Those are kids man! Send in the troops. It would be a great training exercise for them. Only thing is there will be casualties. Give them a chance to get out and then send in the troops.

  2. Runway 360 says:

    A command decision needs to be made. It’s obvious that the mayor is demented and dangerous not only to Portland but to the rest of the nation. President Trump, the nation needs action now

  3. Jerod Swanson says:

    If this is what free health care and free college no law and order they can keep all to themselves and il just work and keep paying bills and taxes to have police, fire, trash , and ambulances and my medical insurance for my daughter an 8 years ago I woulda felt differently but now that I’ve seen both sides of the spectrum I’m left wondering what am exactly is this supposed to solve what are they raging against when the mayor opens the door and gives you the key looks like they just gave you a problem and left

  4. Gloria Hanes says:

    The more gangs, thugs, criminals, and extremists (entering) the Autonomous zone – Chaz – placing the ones within this zone in danger for violent acts and crimes against each other. Once this group gains more power what will prevent them from taking over (all) of Seattle? Who will stop them apparently not the police, not the Mayor.

  5. phil threlkeld says:

    Durkins if I see you in public I'm going to knock you the f*** out and I promise you that I have a picture of you and if I'm ever in downtown Seattle and I see you I will knock you the f*** out

  6. Alex Doucet says:

    The constitution clearly states that a person in power who ignores the law is to be removed….the Chief of police is cowering to the mayor….both are in legal position to be arrested for treason

  7. Johnny Sunday says:

    That's not anarchy. Those are extremists with a political agenda that has nothing to do with anarchy. This is more akin to the beer hall riot than true anarchy.
    Anarchy is really about removing government intrusion from our lives, and relying on very localized control to keep order. The idea behind it is self determination, personal responsiblity, liberty, and the idea that all institutions of government are inherently evil and must be extremely limited in the scope of it's power.
    As a republican I have many friends who are anarchists, and I find myself very much in line with their way of thinking. They have the same core values as I do and want to see government reduced.
    It's not about destroying and burning things down, it's about limiting government and it's perpetual restrictions on our freedoms.
    Pointless violence and destruction have no place in anarchist philosophy, but the media would tell you otherwise. These socialist fascists are ruining the good name of anarchists everywhere.

  8. SGT says:

    Sad times in this country where good citizens are being held captive, raped, businesses being extorted and our government can't do anything about it. On the other hand, we rush to provide military aid to other countries. Shame on all Democrats, you are cowards and traitors.

  9. County Antrim says:

    😂 have I actually just witnessed this??…… surely this isn’t real????? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  10. Robert Dove says:

    Move that mayor out of her house and put her in the street with the protesters see how long it takes to get the National Guard in to stop this then

  11. Tom Meyers says:

    Seattle authorities do nothing as anarchists take Giant filthy shits on the memory of Barack Obama…
    "This is a great honor they bestow upon Barack" —Good Ole Slappy Morgan…..

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