
Christina Bobb highlights the left’s reaction to President Trump’s COVID recovery and calls out Michelle Obama for her hypocrisy.


44 replies
  1. Just The Facts says:

    Biden thinks he is running for a Senators position, not as a President.
    Now think of this Brain Dead fool with his finger on the Big Red Nuclear Button, Biden will turn America into a wasteland. Choose Wisely America. Pelosi and Biden will kill America

  2. wayne maulio says:

    The medias are worse than criminals and the China virus and no one trust you Michael your husband spying on Trump 2016 campaign she's very jealous of Mr Trump because her husband didn't do anything for America, she is so stupid and racist.

  3. surge 45 says:

    It doesn't matter,hes the president, wouldn't matter who was president,cause they are gonna get the best treatment in the world while others who are poor will suffer.

  4. Alvin Ramsey says:

    now just what if the Democrat party are using this narrative that they're pushing because they know they're going to release something else?
    Seeing as where the money came from contributed to the Wuhan lab where the virus was released from or escaped did they have anything to do with it?
    Yes that is a difficult question. But what are the chances of them going through scenario where there is a virus in 2020 them paying a lab where a virus escapes in late 2019 and carries over into 2020? How many coincidences does it take for something to be not a coincidence?

  5. Juan Flores says:

    The little girls on CNN continue to degrade the greatest president in USA history. Mainstream media??? No one is watching but we are not blind Democrat party is the party of corruption just look at all the people sleeping on the streets of California run by pelosi karmala Harris, and their girly man gov….now check pictures of their million dollar homes.

  6. Juan Flores says:

    Michelle Obama should be ashamed, but she’s not and she will never be proud of her country, the country that gave her an Ivy League education even though she doesn’t sound educated, the country that gave her husband an Ivy League education, became a senator, then the worst president we ever had…and what do they do? Crap all over the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

  7. Me says:

    I have more democrat friends voting for TRUMP because of Pelosi than I have republican friends voting for TRUMP 2020!!!

  8. RidingWithCharley says:

    Obama Paid Iran $152 Billion in black mail over Bin Laden fiasco… With large kick backs to American politicians and appointees to keep the secret, and engineered the deaths of seal team 6

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