
President Trump took to Twitter to ask Nancy Pelosi about a One America News report regarding bombshell accusations against her son Paul Pelosi Jr. As it turns out, there’s more to the story. One America’s Chanel Rion has more from Washington.

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26 replies
  1. Anonymous says:

    Right now a man sits in a doctors office, the news is bad , he’s wrestling with a decision not to go quietly into the night . The thought that one day good men will do bad things for the right reasons.

  2. Just The Facts says:

    Their all corrupt, time for inquiries into the corrupt Democrats siblings, it was a gravy train for them , now Pelosi is on the other end of the accusations, well done, keep the pressure on. We new this two years ago. Where are your balls America, your taken for chumps.

  3. NomadArt USA says:

    The Whole Pelosi Family is Corrupt like the Clinton's, Biden's, Warren's, Sander's etc….
    No Surprise there….
    FBI and DOJ turns a Blind Eye…
    No Surprise there either….
    Meantime, Frame Flynn, Frame Trump….

  4. John Edmond says:

    Another Pelosi:

    More communist Democrat corruption.

    Another ignorant, entitled, self indulgent CROOK.

    Hard for hard working Americans to stomach the corruption and self aggrandizement by these crooks at their expense and reputation. Demands for Justice fall on deaf ears and these establishment leeches are just on borrowed time until some form of Justice terminates their arrogance.

  5. Kathy says:

    The founding fathers didn't design the government for career politicians. They lose touch with the people and their needs. Here's a good example: my priority is not the oath but my kid and my family and me and so on and so on…….

  6. Erwin Lbj says:


  7. Perry Gerfen says:

    So, all this time and not a damn thing in the news about that! These family members of the political elite have been doing this for years! But because they are part of that group, MSM won’t say a thing about it! They will actually SQUASH THE STORIES!

  8. kittens2 Veternick says:

    A BAD TREE!! CAN-NOT! PRODUCE!!- "GOOD FRUIT!"-(H.B.)-Not/Democrat's!!->(CORRUPT-COMMIE!! Dems!!) Nor—>RINO's!!! (Who! "PLAY!" Republican's!!: YET/ARE!! : UnRepentant-Sinner's!!!!! TOO!!!)= DISGUSTING!!!!!!… NO! Representation FOR OUR LIBERTY!!!! Or FREEDOMS!!! In OUR!!!!!! Christian-Founded!!!! AMERICA!!! And "NO KING But KING JESUS." Revolutionary-WAR MOTTO!!!!! By CHRISTIANS For CHRIST!!!!!–>Our American HISTORY!!!!!!!! READ!! & STUDY!! OUR!! History!!…

  9. Liberty Pastor says:

    Any follow up on this?
    When this kind of evil is exposed and nothing is done about it, everyone who has ever said they would do something about it becomes suspect.

    If Hillary is not indicted by November 1, 2020, I'll have little respect for anyone who votes for Trump.

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