
After Hours catches up with Anna Paulina Luna – former congressional candidate in Florida’s 13th district and an immigration reform activist — for her take on the Georgia Senate runoff races and why they are so important to the Republican party.

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44 replies
  1. Mark Gazel says:

    To the Americans People,
    Governments officials,

    President Donald Trump is Considering to use the Marshals Laws it’s a Message to the Supreme Court Judges, Republicans Officials,
    Senators, Governor Mayors , Government Officials, Supervisors FBI, DOJ Barr Durham and all Officials to Change and come out before Marshals Laws will be Implement and the Swamps are given the time comes out or face Jails and will be charges in the Military Courts.

  2. jus ded says:

    How are you guys going to explain all those ballot box removals, and polling place closures? How are you going to explain 900.000 people removed from voter rolls? The GOP has resorted to suppressing the vote. They're candidates were too busy dumping stock, and buying stock, while ignoring their constituents while they got sick and died of covid. Perdue and loeffler represent the new republican party. As a moderate and a caring human being, i won't be supporting these grifters and thieves, who can't even fairly win votes.

  3. Doren Garcia says:

    Hero PATRIOTS, Lin Wood, Sydney Powell, Newsmax, Breitbart and Steve Bannon are right!!! Its time Georgia republicans showed their treasonous RINO state leaders they won't stand for crooked elections by BOYCOTTING the Georgia election!!! Punish them this time as a warning to other traitors!!! Georgia is full of them!!! Barr is one of them!!! Georgia must learn its lesson the hard way.

  4. wrdturkey says:

    We were warned of how they would cheat. We saw with our own eyes how they cheated. We let them get away with cheating. We deserve to loose no matter what. Real Americans will know what to do when the time comes.

  5. wrdturkey says:

    We have thousands of affidavits and video evidence of how the last election was stolen and Republicans let it happen. Republicans deserve to loose. Real Americans will rise up and fight.

  6. Ryan Hooker says:

    Why is there not a true conservative party that upholds real conservative views and SUPPORTS them. Republicans are just red Democrats. Purple party of poop.

  7. twinentryturbo says:

    Traitor Trump. Trump Supporters are lovers of Conspiracy theories only because they have zero intelligence to provide facts and legitimate evidence. They have no civil way to win. always triggered and mentally… damaged.

  8. Russell Burghard says:

    the republican party is the party that freed the slaves its the party of Lincoln and they need to come to a end real soon because the racist democrats are tierd of fighting against them to take away freedoms ,rights,liberties from all not just slaves, them damn republicans are in our way from accomplishing our goal of world domination and freedom stealing.

  9. TomSuntotheMax says:

    Are loeffler and purdue really the BEST Georgia can come up with for congress? If I was a Georgia republican I would give that election a miss or found a new republican party.

  10. Patrick Baer says:

    Every true Trump supporter I know in Georgia won't be voting the Kemp approved GOP senators. They don't trust back stabbers. They would rather save their souls and sit out than vote for those who supported the greatest fraud in American history. ❤️ Trump.

  11. 4x4linux - JustInDesigns says:

    Action is need for House and Senate !!! Not just a thumbs up – flood the House & Senate with emails like we do the streets!!
    Write your Republican House Representative!
    Write your Republican Senator!!
    Take Action NOW! Write Your Senator example :

    [Senator Name], I am a proud American citizen living within your jurisdiction. I believe in the Constitution of the United States of America, The Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights that so many brave souls fought to protect for all American Citizens – Past, Present and Future.

    I believe you were elected through a process that was fair and righteous. I respect your election through the votes of my peers. [Senator Name], I am pleading you take a stand and take action against the Electoral College to elect Joe Biden. I, along with millions of other Americans, deem the countless number allegations to be true and the election was conducted fraudulently.

    We are depending on you, [Senator Name]. Stand tall on the side of righteousness. We are the majority that have remained silent but now, more than ever, it is time for us to be HEARD. We are many and we stand with Donald Trump as our duly elected president.


  12. J P says:

    I have no idea what's going on in USA. But I do hope Trump come back to power. Not my place to say anything since I am not American. I am just a international Trump supporter.👍

  13. abari john says:

    The dems have already strategized on how to rig and steal the Georgia run off and GOP is there only campaigning and not doing to stop the fraud. Its unfortunate!

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