I just got into it with a guy regarding the Iranian attack today on the Iraq base that houses US Troops…

He said: “The US is the most hypocritical country in the world. Every last thing it accuses Iran of it has done and more.”

Really? Every last thing? Like rounding up and killing 6,000 LGBT people, hanging or throwing them off buildings? Like that kind of more? Or 30 years in jail for women who forget to cover their faces with scarfs? That kind of more?

Pretty sure if you live in the US and are a LGBT woman, you’re going to get quickly promoted up the chain of any command, in any company. Not killed.

I don’t know about you, but I truly have a hard time with these people who live in the US and still have this attitude toward the country they live and thrive in. Especially under this administration. Trump has been the only one actually trying to pull more troops home.

Remember, it was Obama who gave Iran billions. He should be the one you guys criticize. Not Trump. It was Iran who attacked and was plotting to attack us, not Trump.

Every move the US makes, you have this weird group of people who seem to only want to find fault with the US and her past. Yes, we have an ugly past with certain administrations; but not all of them. We have done wrong, but we are not evil as a whole. And our intent is peace. I know Trumps is.

These are some of the same people who don’t stand for the pledge, who are anti-war under any circumstances, don’t think Veterans should be thanked, etc etc etc … I wonder what they would have thought when Hitler was steam-rolling across the globe? Oh wait, these people think we are Hitler. Many of them are terrorists sympathizers.

But you know what these people are going to do tonight?

They are going to relax, play with their little iPhones for a few hours, make a few snarky comments on how crappy the US is, cuttle into a cozy warm bed, wake up, take a warm shower, eat great food, crap in a clean toilet while checking social media, and go make more money than most in the world, X10. Over and over and over.


Partly because we have REAL Americans who put their lives on the line each day, here and abroad, to help keep those freedoms that are afforded to us. That’s the truth. We need a military. And because of how evil the world is, unfortunately we need an even bigger and stronger military that can withstand that evil who want us dead.

And yes, war can be a big financial gain to some. But two things can be true at once; You can have groups who make a lot of money on war, AND at times terrorist thug bullies need removed out of the sandbox. No pun intended.

Now, I’m not the type that wants war. I don’t want to “thump my chest”…And I don’t think war is the only solution. I believe peace is the answer. But peace can’t always happen when one group doesn’t want peace. Peace is not in their plan.

If we didn’t have global thugs who’s only mission was to kill anyone who disagrees with them, this would be a different story. But terrorism is real, and certain battles need to be fought and thugs need to be taken out.

But if you truly believe we, the United States of America are the real global terrorists, guess what, the wall has not been put up yet; walk out, fly out, and get out. If you don’t like what we stand for, leave. Or…..please shut the hell up.

People are saying we are the ones who caused Iran to strike today? Not a chance. Iran had been hitting and hitting; I’d be willing to bet this attack today was already planned, and Trump knew it. Just wait until the dust settles and the story is told. Trump has known these plans for a while now. I believe Trump saved lives and will continue to save more.

If you want to change something, you jump in the President Trump’s shoes. Again, he needs our prayers, not our criticism. Get over yourselves.