
A bunch of Liberals starting to see the light. It’s a good day.

Has anyone noticed that Donald Trump actually looks BETTER than he did when he came into office 4 years ago? A lot brighter. A lot better countenance? Anyone?

I know it’s a strange thing to bring up but here’s my thoughts on it….

Regardless of what the TV is telling people, President Donald Trump, many times, has had the Spirit of God with him for those that can see spiritually. Especially speaking on certain principles. And especially during his State of the Union addresses. And that’s just the times we saw in the press, the press that tried to stop him from day 1. But Trump’s light kept growing the more they tried to put it out.

Now let’s look back at the countenances of other Presidents coming out of the WH starting with the Bush family. Did it not look like they all aged 40 year in just 4?


Why did the Bushes, Clinton, and oh yes, even Obama come out looking like no soul was left? I always just thought the job must have been so rough from the stress. But after seeing photos of President Trump as of last week, a man that was abused worse than any president since Lincoln, a man who’s position was literally stolen and hijacked by Babylon itself, stand tall and bright with a new look to him, why?

What’s the difference between the 5 men? I’ll tell you. Light and Darkness.

The other 4 (Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, are deep state political pawns, bought and paid for by the dark globalists. That is a proven fact. And that’s why they have darkened countenances. Because of poor choice after poor choice after poor choice. Sins. It stains not only our souls, but it has a way to show on our physical faces.

And Trump? He was his own man. He didn’t own anybody anything. He heard the call, he took the call, and I believe he completed that mission God wanted him to do near perfectly. Yes, even calling out the MSM on Twitter. They were mostly righteous callouts. As uncomfortable as they looked. Moral callouts. A few over the top ones, but not too many. He not only called it like he saw it, but called it how it really is. The truth.

Now we all know a lot of Trump’s moral past; and that he still sins and falls short like the rest of us do everyday, however, it goes to show that first: Anyone can be redeemed and renewed, and second: anyone can become hands for a God that ALSO deeply cares about freedom and liberty FIRST. Imagine that, the Great Liberator wants Liberty. And will use ANYONE who is willing to fight for that. That’s clear all throughout the scriptures.

But it’s the too good “Christians” that seem to pretend to have the moral high ground to not support a man who deeply cares about freedom and Liberty, all the while voting (out of hate mind you) for a man and party who slaughters their 9 month old babies in the whom, in the name of moral rightful choice. And people like Mitt Romney is the perfect example.

No, I’m not saying Trump is a perfect saintly Prophet sent to lead our spiritual lives, but I am saying because he placed his reputation, fortune, fame and honor, to help the American people, the Spirit shined and healed him in the process, it’s evident the Atonement can and will work on anyone. Besides “By their fruits ye shall know them.”, Right? The list of Trumps accomplishments is beyond what the post could do. He did what he said he would do. Or at least he tried with all his might. And I love him for it. And it saddens me he isn’t the President. It’s devastating actually.

Looking at photos and videos of President Trump at his Florida rally, speaks for itself. And contrasty watching that cultish dark deranged Biden inauguration was the exact opposite testament of this spiritual war we keep talking about. For Trump and America, a rally full of voluntarily patriots who paid thousands of their own dollars to see Trump, vs a paid military that was forced to show up, and ended up being abused in the parking garage after their communistic fake photo op. A military that was used. And celebrities that had to bow down to it all or their careers would be over.

President Trump, we see and feel you. That’s why we are still peacefully and resolutely behind you. 22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! – Matt 6 God bless you President Trump. You showed us what it’s like to sacrifice it all for not only this Nation, but for millions of others who you helped light a flame under. Your light became our light. Thank you. 🇺🇸🗽Join me on telegram 👉https://t.me/ericmoutsos

Also…. Read my book Dispatched (Conscience or Conformity), Here free …https://www.ericmoutsos.com/book/


Originally done by Austin French

I want to thank President Donald J. Trump for sacrificing his comfortable life, his fortune, and his honor, for We The People of the United States of America.

He cared for the core principles that helped make this once great country, great for a time. He brought more hope to America than we’ve seen in multiple decades. He helped start to awaken a sleeping giant within us.

He helped expose and show the world how satan has the darkened grip like he does. How dirty, evil and corrupt it really is. Did he bring hate? Not a chance. He just helped expose the hate that is buried deep in men who conspire to destroy the Constitution, including so many so-called “Republicans”.

He was and is a witness that Washington is too corrupt for even him, Donald Trump to change it. The greatest fighter since Washington himself.

The man lit a flame in American Patriots I pray will never go out. I will always stand with President Trump. I pray God will continue to protect him and his family and wish him the very best in any endeavor he chooses to embark on.

This is a war between good and evil, light and darkness, and he was and is a great light to not only the United States of America, but to the world.

Thank you President Trump, you are the best President ever. We love you. And it’s now up to us what we do for our future 🇺🇸🗽❤️

Eric Moutsos


This is what every single representative for Liberty should sound like right now. He knows what’s up.


From 1964
