I’m seeing some people a little disgruntled because we celebrate Veterans Day, because they don’t believe in war. I get it. Most of us believe war should be the last solution. Many wars were not justified, we all know that. But does that mean we shouldn’t honor our Veterans who put their life on the line to protect our freedoms in whatever war they were called to serve in? I don’t. Just because several wars were unjustified doesn’t mean they all were.

Today, I honor the brave men and women who put their life on the line for my freedoms, regardless of what war, when it happened, or how it happened. Today is their day. And God bless them for doing what most of us can’t or won’t do. This truly is the land of the free, because of them, the brave. Thank you, Veterans, I love and thank you.



We came up to SL to do temple work with my family, for my family. Specifically my uncle Paul Moutsos who passed a few years ago, along with several other ancestors. Very spiritual night. Even my 12 year old daughter was able to witness it.

I testify that death is not the end for anyone. In many ways it’s just the beginning. I’m so thankful for the Great Plan of Salvation made possible in and through Jesus Christ.

“Death cannot sever families sealed in the temple. They understand death as a necessary part of God’s great plan of happiness.” -Russell M. Nelson

I just read a few messages about me (because I’m a man) on a picture post I made about abortion..

“Said like a man who has no idea what he’s talking about because he has never had to face the choice, and he knows he never will. STOP MANSPLAINING ABORTION.”

“Funny story seeing Men think they have a right to tell women what’s right and wrong and what we can and can’t do with our bodies. Laugh out loud”

“It really bothers me that a man is holding this sign…”

I have a few honest questions…

Does this mean only women can defend the people who are otherwise indefensible? The most helpless humans possible, a baby in the womb? Why is it that a man can’t defend them? If we (including men) don’t defend the unborn, who will? Not men?

Did you know that there was time in our country when women didn’t have a right to speak? Now it’s a man?

And when anyone tries to use the very very marginal case of rape for the general rule to kill, they clearly know the majority of abortions are wrong. “What about rape?” actually means, “Yes, I know most abortions are wrong, so I’ll use rape to try and justify death.” Sorry, doesn’t work that way. 

What’s kinda cool is now this picture has over 146,490 shares from this one page alone. This wasn’t to mention after LiveAction action got a hold of it. Even the great @LilaGraceRose started a firestorm on Titter by sharing it. Your voice matters, yes, even your manly voice. If  146,49o people shared this one photo from just one Facebook page (KJV 611), and if each Facebook user really does have an average of 234 friends, that means over 34,000,000 (million) people potentially saw this from one page alone. I can’t wait to watch the Heavenly instant replay to maybe see that ONE soul who had a second thought not to abort their baby, didn’t go through with it. Only time will tell. Eternal time.

Eric Moutsoshttps://www.ksl.com/?sid=33605041

Posted by KJV 1611 on Monday, July 9, 2018

146,490 X 234= 34,278,660

Use your manly voice men.

After grieving that my brother beat me in pickle-ball,I finally admitted to my kids that I never beat Uncle Dustin in any type of sport, not ever, and it’s always been that way. Sometimes I’ll get a game or two, but that’s it. It’s always driven me crazy. “He’s better okay!” I finally said ..”He’s better than me at everything.” Everyone was silent in the car. Then my precious 6 year old Rachel said as serious as possible, “Ya but Dad you’re really good at making shakes…and you’re really good at farting!” Oh how I love my children. Yes, this is a shirt they have given me for Father’s Day one year.

Eric and Dustin Moutsos Pickleball

World’s Greatest…

My daughter just won the Empathy Award at her school. There is a little girl that has special needs, and the teachers recognized that my daughter has been helping her this month. I’m proud of her. I also couldn’t help but notice the greatest liberty painting I’ve ever seen painted in a school. Between my daughter and this painting, I have a tiny bit of hope for the future.

What I don’t have hope in, is the public education system. Lucky my kids go to a good charter school that still say the pledge, and still have voluntary prayer. Sending our children into the public school system, and then to college nowadays, is equivalent to playing Russian Roulette with their values. If we don’t teach them properly in the home, there may not be a road to recovery once out of the system we call school. Isn’t it amazing that most schools are the very thing that’s destroying our society? All in the name of education.

One of my friends, Josh Aaron, posted this to my Facebook wall today with regards to my thoughts above on the Public Education System, “This will offend some, but I feel like our school system is child abuse. No, I don’t believe that parents who send their kids to school love their children any less than I love mine. I just think that most school choices are terrible choices (in many different ways) and subject our children to great evil, and I think the family unit has been bullied by policy makers in America to the point that most families feel they have no better alternatives. School was bad when I was a kid. It is so much worse today. There is no way I’m sending my kids to public school. For us, homeschool or a certain kind of private school are the only options. And one of us will be directly involved. When it comes to schooling (tangent, but I think this also applies to sending our children into the homes of other families, regardless of whether those families are friends or relatives or of the same faith), parents need to be as wise as serpents.”

This is nothing compared to what video games are doing in our homes. And because when all the kids gather together at school and talk about their video games, they come home and want to do what? Makes me want to vomit, then chuck the Xbox that I battled my wife to get, into the garbage. Yes, I’m as guilty as they get. I brought it in, and I feel like I’m under a spell that I can’t get it out. Why can’t I? I see how much time my children play on the thing and I realize if I don’t step up my game, the GAME will takeover my own family. And then that moment when you realize the last 3 days of constant email “spam” from Microsoft, was actually a fun friendly reminder that your 8 yr old just ordered over $150.00 of credits for a stupid video game. Let us pray that George Smith from India can translate my desperate HELP email for a refund. (Update- We go the refund 😉

John Adams once said, “I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

John Adams once said, “I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

I wonder what John Adams would think knowing the result of him studying politics and war, would lead to hours upon hours of  Facebook and Fortnight ? Let’s think about starting over. Seems we’re do for a reset.




Unborn Equal Rights

What about equal rights for the unborn? What about their voice?

From Matt Adams to me about a recent post on Planned Murderhood getting challenged by law makers and American citizens everywhere. And the idea of shutting them down is gaining steam.

“Well Eric, you have no right to tell my girlfriend what she can and can’t do with her body. Or anyone else’s. All you have is the choice to NOT use their services or not to let your children use their services (until they’re 18 of course). But let me ask you this, Eric. If you had an underage daughter who was raped and became pregnant, what would want to happen? Would you want to force her to grow a life inside of her from an act that destroyed her as a human being? Would you want her to raise that child, knowing every time she looked at it that she was raped and her father forced her to have it? Would you want the rapist to file a law suit to gain access to the child? I mean, you’re entitled to believe whatever you want, but man, you have no right to tell other people what to do, or remove services that at least provide them with more options for themselves.


I actually do have that right when it’s my tax paying dollars. Also, I have that right when other humans are beings are slaughtered by the second in the country I live in. My right to speak is mine. Just like your trying to use the same right to try and silence mine.

And please don’t use the very small (very unlikely) scenario of rape, especially with one of my daughters, to justify the mass murder genocide of millions of babies in America. You’re trying to use the very small marginal case, for the rule. Sorry. Its a poor, pathetic, and lazy excuse. It’s a lying evil argument that is overused and uses zero critical thinking. Anyone who thinks for themselves can clearly see the deception behind it. Also don’t use the excuse that women don’t have access to birth control. It’s called a condom. They retails for less than a dollar on every corner block of the United States. Everyone has access to birth control. Abstinence should be the best form of that control. But again “no access” is just another false excuse for murder.

Abortion today is directly tied to a very perverted society that glorifies sex between anyone who can somewhat perform the act. And in turn tries to sweep it under the rug (with murder) all in the name of “women’s health” and freedom of choice. Sorry. The choice was made when you do grown-up things. Now the consequence is guilt and devastating pain (That you can overcome BTW) I’ve seen it with healed women who have had abortions and now speak out against it.

Now, act like a grown-up, step-up and raise the human being like a man and woman who made the grown-up choice to “get together”, or give the baby up for adoption to families that desperately want children. Don’t murder him or her. Isn’t it good your parents didn’t murder you and now you have a voice to try and silence others?

I CHOOSE to be the voice for those human children I LOVE and I’ll never stop talking in behalf of THEM. BTW Matt, I do love you and anyone else that believes the way you do about this subject, but I think it’s just an outright evil lie you’ve somehow bought into.

In the majority of cases (Not rape, incest, or the potential fatality of a sick mother) the ending of a human life never justifies the murdering means. Not ever.